I haven’t done a post on couponing in quite some time but be rest assured I hit CVS up weekly. And like today, Harris Teeter. It’s super double coupons this week and I can’t tell you the joy I got from the look on the cashier’s face when my total went from $60 to $3.84.
I’m sporting ghetto nails today. Actually it’s an adventure trying to type this on my phone. I bought these at the dollar store for the girls’ Christmas stockings and thought they had stickers. They didn’t. I glued Emmas on today. I started to put Lexi’s on and she decided she didn’t like them. In a genius moment I thought I’d put them on just to mess around. Well here we are 8 hrs later and I still have them. It feels like my entire nailbed might rip out of my thumb when I try to remove them so they all stay. In fact, I glued back on two that had fallen off just so I didn’t look any more ghetto than I do. It was all for naught though since I lost a pinky nail whilst couponing.
Dollar store ghetto nails and free food. Yep, that was my day.
I keep hearing about how much money people have saved shopping at Harris Teeter with coupons. Makes me wish I had one around here!
.-= Karo´s last blog ..My New Year’s Resolutions Hopes =-.
Karo, the bad part about it is it’s usually expensive otherwise!
You might have ghetto nails, but I’m still drooling over your backsplash. I love it!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..So, I had this whole post in mind … =-.
Melissa, I’m still in love with it too! Some of the best money we’ve spent on the house yet!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Daily Peek =-.