So today was the girls’ big gymnastics debut. I feel a little behind on the whole organized sports/activities at 5 and 7 but really, they haven’t begged to do anything and if they aren’t 110% in it, why spend the money? Since they both seemed ecstatic about it back in December, I forked over the money for 8 weeks of lessons and two new leotards and there we went.
The good news? My frugalness patience paid off because both the girls had a BLAST tonight. None of the shyness showed up one bit, even for a second. It probably helped my face was stuck to the glass the entire time but still. They weren’t stuck to me and there were no tears. Well, once there were tears when Emma fell back into a chair in the waiting room but that’s neither here nor there I suppose.
You could tell neither of them really had NO idea what to do but I was proud they were actively listening to the teacher and just following the other girls around them who had obviously been in gymnastics for at least a previous round or two. Several times I saw a little girl instruct Emma. Lexi several times went to her teacher when she didn’t know how to do something. For example, Lexi was trying to do a handstand against the padded wall and y’all, if I showed you the video, I know it would make rounds on YouTube but she kept butting her head into the pad instead of tucking it under before she threw her legs up. But she kept trying and when the little girl beside her couldn’t help her, she had no problems asking the teacher who was helping other girls do a back bend. Thankfully, the teachers both seemed very responsive.
Emma did floor work, uneven bars and the long jumpy thing. They don’t have it in the Olympics so I’m at a loss for names here. Lexi did floor work, balance beam and the vault.
They were happy to watch each other during the times when their classes didn’t overlap. Unfortunately I couldn’t get two classes exactly at the same time so if I hang around the gym for both classes, I’m there for two hours!
I SO want to show everyone the video of the two of them. I can’t help but be so proud of them even if they’re pretty clueless just beginners right now. At least they’re getting out there and trying. I just don’t feel comfortable posting a video with about 75 other little girls in leotards. I did crop some pictures. They’re bad first because they were all taken behind a glass wall and second because they were cropped so tightly to avoid any other children in them. Anyway, I hope it at least gives you a little idea of their time tonight.
Thanks for sharing this info. I am putting my oldest in gymnastics next month and wondered if she would be behind, since she is only starting now and is 6 yrs old. Good to know she’ll be OK!
They look so cute in their leotards!!
hey, i saw you follow me on twitter, and just wanted to pop over and say hello to a fellow southern. my little sister did gymnastics for FOREVER so all those pictures just brought back so many memories of all the competitions/practices that i sat at. it’s a great sport! my little sister started gymnastics when she was like 6 and did it until she was 15. she loved it.
This brings back so many memories! I loved gymnastics as a kid and my only regret is quitting at age 12. I did it at the complex first, then at Thomas Gymnastics – I think they are still around. I can’t wait to hear more stories!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..8 people. 4 degrees. 3 nights in the snow. =-.