I’m feeling crazy tonight. Second-guessing the whole add a few more blogs thing. Because I haven’t touched the new one in two days and I *need* to work on that if it’s going to take off. And because when I got off work today we interviewed Brad Leland “Buddy” of FNL and then we had company over for dinner and my amazing husband bought and made dinner and while he talked to the company, I got the girls to and from church and did homework when they got home while watching American Idol and then watched FNL after getting them off to bed and podcasted it directly after that and found out we have two more FNL interviews next week, one with “Vince” and one with “Billy” (yay!). It’s 11 and I just now put the dishes away from dinner and started the dishwasher. Not to mention my Danny blog that is getting seriously neglected by me right now and thank goodness for the help I have there. And oh my word, just feeling a little overwhelmed tonight.
I’ll be ok. Carry on.
Melissa says
You need a day of relaxation. At the spa. With massages and pedicures and everything. And I am such a good friend, that I will be self-sacrificing and go with you. I’ll be there in your time of need.
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..calorie burn challenge week 6 =-.
Amy says
lol, that does sound great. i do have a gift certificate for a massage!