1 – My ring
I lost another diamond in my ring today. Third one since I’ve had it. I enjoy the cluster of diamond versus one diamond but it sure has been a pain in the neck for the 18 months I’ve had this one. Thankfully it’s all covered under guarantee.
I can’t help but laugh when I see it though because it makes me thing of this:
2 – My butt muscles are sore from my run yesterday. Anyone know any good stretches?
3 – The tooth fairy is officially dead at my house. In the car yesterday:
Lexi: I believe in Santa, God and Jesus
Emma: Do you believe in the Tooth Fairy?
Lexi: Yes
Emma: Well she’s not real.
Lexi: Well, how does the money get there?
Emma: Mommy and Daddy put it there
Lexi: Oh.
So that’s done. That’s what big sisters are for I guess. Still so tempted to say the same goes for Santa but something stopped me. Not sure why.
Lexi’s commentary was impressive to me because growing up I always thought God and Jesus were one…not that they were the same person, but that you couldn’t have one without the other. A package deal if you will. I also enjoy how matter of fact she is and that she didn’t seem too upset!