In the past two days, I’ve worked 18 hours, 3 of which occurred between 3:30 and 6am last night. We finally implemented some systems that we’ve been working on since my visit to Indianapolis last Spring. The last three days have been an orchestration of probably 20 or more people and at least 50 different tasks, several of which I was assigned to or had to coordinate. And it’s been nothing but geeky computer stuff filled with acronyms…DTS, FTP, NDM, G2, PROC, and the list goes on.
I got done with work about 4 this afternoon and then this evening was happy to get out with Heather and spend the evening at a VIP event at a local restaurant we were invited to. Free food! Imagine the place a little like a mix between Applebee’s and possibly Hooter’s (in that they had short shorts, not little tops). There was music playing and a full house because of the event and TVs going. In short, it was a little hard to hear.
We’re nearing the end of dinner and Heather asks for our waitress’s name and after she (Katie) leaves she looks at me and says something but I didn’t catch the whole thing. I heard something like “Y or I E” but asked her to repeat it. She says the same thing and I still have this really confused look on my face. I lean way over the table, right in her face. Heather rolls her eyes and I ask her to say it one more time. So Heather slowly and loudly says it again but I only catch the end. So I say still confused, “It sounds like you’re saying Y or I. E.” She yells, “I AM! I WONDER IF HER NAME IS SPELLED WITH A Y or IE!!” I bust out laughing, barely able to swallow my food and once composed enough explain that I THOUGHT she was trying to say something about the “YMCA or Internet Explorer” using the “Y or IE” acronyms and couldn’t possibly grasp why they would be used in the same sentence.
Diana says