I’ve gotten a little behind on my reading. These are all the ones in my to-read stack. The bad thing is most of them I’ve started and am trying to read in tandem.
Any of them I should hurry to read? What else would you add?
plain pursuit is a super fast read! oh and leotas garden is super amazing! oh gosh and same kind of different as me was SO good. i dunno about thr est of them.
.-= amy´s last blog .. =-.
Leota’s Garden is a beautiful story!!! All of Francine River’s stuff is amazing..have you read Redeeming Love??
I love Redeeming Love, it is my favorite book. I think that I am going to have to get Leota’s Garden. I have been looking for a new book to read.
Same Kind of Different as Me is a fast read once you get started. I had it finished way before the bloom schedule because I just couldn’t put it down.
Kari Dsays
Same Kind of Different As Me should be first. It will change your life. 90 Minutes in Heaven you can stop reading after about the 3rd chapter. After that, the book should be called, “Don Piper’s recovery after a horrible accident”. Thank you for reminding me about Francine Rivers. I might have to get that one, myself. The others I don’t know anything about.
[…] out that Book Queue post on my blog to see how it turns […]
plain pursuit is a super fast read! oh and leotas garden is super amazing! oh gosh and same kind of different as me was SO good. i dunno about thr est of them.
.-= amy´s last blog .. =-.
Leota’s Garden is a beautiful story!!! All of Francine River’s stuff is amazing..have you read Redeeming Love??
I love Redeeming Love, it is my favorite book. I think that I am going to have to get Leota’s Garden. I have been looking for a new book to read.
I have read Redeeming Love. So good!
.-= Amy´s last blog ..Book Queue =-.
Same Kind of Different as Me is a fast read once you get started. I had it finished way before the bloom schedule because I just couldn’t put it down.
Same Kind of Different As Me should be first. It will change your life. 90 Minutes in Heaven you can stop reading after about the 3rd chapter. After that, the book should be called, “Don Piper’s recovery after a horrible accident”. Thank you for reminding me about Francine Rivers. I might have to get that one, myself. The others I don’t know anything about.