Me and that thing? Are about to fight.
It just irritates the fire out of me that you have to BEG Scott to turn the volume up on the TV normally. I mean, literally, beg. PLEASE, I CAN NOT UNDERSTAND THE WORDS COMING OUT OF THEIR MOUTHS. I have to put the closed captioning on whenever possible just so I catch everything. His ears are sensitive and he can’t handle it. But last night after he hooked that thing up? He had it up so loud that the bass was almost knocking my glass shelves off the wall in the bathroom. I am not even joking. What gives?
Also, it may irritate me a bit that he has barely left his recliner since getting it.
If I knew how to turn it in to this. I would.
Except I wouldn’t be grilling whatever that is on the grill. Gross.
P.S. I realize I’m being hypocritical and all since I rarely leave my computer. Which this post pretty much confirms because I’m taking the time to post a picture of a PS3-turned-grill. But just let me complain. Please? I have PMS and I’d rather not yell at him because he really is a great husband and deserves some fun time. OK, whew, I feel better. Therapy session OVER.
P.P.S. After he got off the game this morning he cleaned the whole kitchen and put in a load of clothes to “stay out of trouble”. We might keep this thing after all. Bwa ha ha ha.
P.P.S. He’s playing again.