Last night 5MinutesForMom hosted a Twitter party and it was CRAZEE. Over 16,000 tweets came in during an hour and a half period. You won’t be surprised to find my eyes were almost watering trying to keep up. But it was worth it! I met several new Tweeps and got some great info while I was there. I have several web sites open in my tabs to check out today and thought I’d share them.
- I saw so many tweets shouting their love for Sarah Mae. Somehow she’s not on my blogroll even though I follow her on Twitter ?! I’ll fix it!!
- helps small businesses create and manage their brand.
- helps designers choose color palettes when designing a site.
- is a web site for vlogging and vloggers to connect.
- is a way to connect to other moms and a great way to get some blogging tips.
- #MondayMingle is hosted here. I’m so interested in this Monday meme. Basically they post 3 questions and you answer them in a vlog. I’m going to do this next Monday!
- MarketMeTweet is a new product is going to review
- was a product giveaway last night that looks so cute!
- Ditto for FranciePants!
- And I couldn’t talk about the Twitter party without talking about the Ultimate Blog Party they are having on their site. I’ve participated before and am kicking myself for not doing it this year but I highly recommend you checking it out especially if you are new to blogging and looking to connect with some folks.
Make sure to check out more Top Ten Tues at
You're welcome!
Oooh, I basically missed all of the party last night. Sounds fun! Thanks for recapping it for me!
Thanks for the rap up!! Love it!!
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
No problem!
Thanks for all the links! I was there last night, but it was so crazy I had trouble keeping up! Crazy, but a lot of fun!
Good summary and helpful links. Thanks!
I tried to join in the party, but there were way to many tweets at a time. It was so confusing! I finally slowed down my refresh rate and it helped.
I just used and it was crazy!
you're right…it was fun!
you're right…it was fun!