Sometimes after we have moved past the bondage, we are left with the baggage of our past and feel disqualified to do anything for Christ. We feel like we have to fix ourselves. However, the Christian life is impossible without Christ.
Satan would love to give you a worthless identity but everyone has hope because of Christ. We don’t have to be who we were.
1 Timothy 1 – Paul says he is the worst of the worst sinner and if he has hope, everyone does.
4 Possibilities after Bondage:
1 – Partial Release, Partial Embrace
You may be released from bondage but have not fully made amends, returned something or taken full responsibility. All must be done to be fully released.
2- Full Releas,e No Embrace
If you let go of your bondage but do not fill it with Christ, it will return or be replaced by something else
3- Full Release Partial Embrace
You must fully rely on Christ, not willpower
4- Full Release, Full Embrace
Break through occurs when we fully release our baggage and fully embrace Christ
Questions to consider:
- What is God saying to me now?
- What does God want me to do?
- What part of your heart does he need to have?
- What could do for Him if your baggage wasn’t an issue?
- How could your story help someone else?
This is really good and your so right. Satan would like to keep us powerless and in bondage but with Christ our burdens and baggage can be put down, on the ground, and left behind.