OK, so blame this whole post on Audrey. She introduced all of us mommy bloggers to hauling videos. Basically you go shopping, haul your stuff home and then share with the world what you bought. If you’re familiar with unboxing in the tech world (beware of the geekiness), this will be a little familiar. It’s so fun to share each others’ finds!
So I had to go to Target at lunch today and buy some paper towels (oozing Mommy Blogger here) and decided to check out some dresses for summer. Here’s how it went (Please ignore the hair. I left my hairspray in Kentucky last week and haven’t replaced it yet. Maybe that’s what I should have bought at Target):
Other thoughts after watching:
I totally forgot to show you the flower headband I got. It’s black. I may or may not wear it. Lexi said she’d wear it if I didn’t. Probably a clue I shouldn’t be wearing it.
I also saw a bright red scarf at Target that would be a great accessory with the dress as well.
Finally, go buy a Help Haiti t-shirt!
THIS IS AWESOME!!! I love what you got!! I'm going to get that 1st dress! And I love your hair…
THIS IS AWESOME!!! I love what you got!! I'm going to get that 1st dress! And I love your hair…
Thanks, Audrey!! Love this idea!
Cute dress! We are big fans of the glitter shoes around here. We have pink and red, but I need to get some new ones for her.
I like this idea a lot…I might do it the next time I splurge on things. Also, I can't believe you own pink pumps..well yes I can, but basically other than the flip flops and the flats I'd break my neck in any of your other foot wear
I like this idea a lot…I might do it the next time I splurge on things. Also, I can't believe you own pink pumps..well yes I can, but basically other than the flip flops and the flats I'd break my neck in any of your other foot wear
Very cool find! I went to Target today but didn't have time to look for clothes… maybe some time later on this week… I love their dresses!
Very cool find! I went to Target today but didn't have time to look for clothes… maybe some time later on this week… I love their dresses!
Very cool find! I went to Target today but didn't have time to look for clothes… maybe some time later on this week… I love their dresses!
Most of my shoes are heels except for my flip flops. I love them!
I was kind of disappointed in the selection this time
Normally I really like their dresses though.
I hate this idea – you make me want to go spend money! Just kidding, I love it and I love the dress!
Totally cute video! Love your accent – and the dress!!!!
EDW, when I first saw this comment pop up in my email, I was like, what accent? whose accent? I forget I have one!
I understand that but where does it take us?
You’re just jealous because the voices are talking to me and not you!