OK, I’m going to have to rant. And I’m not really sure who this rant is directed toward…left-wing media or Christians. Maybe both.
I took up watching Glee late in the season because people kept raving about it and I couldn’t be left out. There are some mad talented people on there but yes, they aren’t shy about homosexuality. There are no apologies. But they are realistic about the struggles Kurt, the gay character faces from other male peers who obviously don’t agree with it. I have no qualms in saying I don’t agree with homosexuality. It’s no secret. But I also can’t handle people being cruel to others for that.
The other week on Glee, Finn, a very non-gay character that Kurt likes, began acting homophobic and went on a rant and ended up using derogatory names against Kurt and then Kurt’s dad went on to give Finn the “don’t talk to my gay son like that, you homophobic prick” speech. The thing that infuriated me is that they make it seem like anyone that is against homosexuality is cruel and small-minded. Look, I don’t agree with it. But I’m not going to boast it up either. I’m also not going to call names or make fun of them or beat them over their heads with a Bible. Why would I expect someone who is not a Christian to act like it? That’s their business. And I resent Glee for furthering that depiction of conservatives. Yes those people are out there but does that mean every single conservative on TV has to be depicted as cruel and hateful towards homosexuals?
And THEN. Glee says they are now going to cast a Christian girl next season to represent conservative girls because if they’re going to be diverse, they have to cover that. So yes, kudos to them for that. But do you know what her main storyline is going to be? To have an issue with Kurt and his homosexuality and protest the sexuality of the opposing choir’s dances. Do people not see that Christians are something other than judgmental pricks?? I mean COME ON. That’s what’s going to represent us?
How about they talk someone who like millions others are transformed because of Christ?
Or how Christ helps you forgive when everyone spits in your face?
Or the thousands of Christian volunteers that feed the homeless?
Or all the people that stepped in to help the flood victims in Nashville?
Or the Christian that gives their last dollar to help an orphan across the world?
Or the Christian family that brings in an orphan?
Or the Christian that risks their lives to rescue earthquake victims?
Or the Christian that pays for someone’s meal behind them just to be nice?
Why can’t she be represented as one of those caring, patient, sacrificing, grace-filled, loving people?
You know why I think?
Part of it yes, Christians will always be misunderstood and hated. And yes, most media is left-wing and just as closed-minded about Christians as they accuse us of being about them. But I also think it’s because Christians aren’t acting like Christians. The only thing they (we) can be loud about is what everyone is doing wrong (I realize the irony of this post). Or what politician they agree with. Or why Glenn Beck is right. For goodness sakes, people, can we not give them a loud and clear reason to represent us well??
I wrote this early this morning. It actually had me in tears, mainly because I have PMS but a lot because I’m very frustrated in general of people’s view of Christians. But I think a lot of my frustration is also directed internally. I have to remember the only person I have control over is me. So I’m taking a hard look at myself and asking this question:
Could the Glee writers use my life as a good example of a Christian to write this character?
Ouch indeed.
rebeccannb says
I love your question at the end! So, my rant w/ this episode is how much the character Kurt was not accepting of Finn not being gay and trying to force his agenda to the point that Finn did go off on a rant to get the point across to Kurt that he needs to accept the fact that Finn is not like Kurt. I was mad after that scene… Which is maybe what the writers/producers wanted as a reaction to the whole scene… who knows.
Could the GLEE producers use me as a model for their Christian character… I would hope so…For once I would love to see a Christian character being portrayed in a way that is loving and gracious not mean spirited and bigoted.
bennettaj says
I completely agree with your frustration at Kurt! As for the writers wanting people to be mad, it was clear it was Finn/the views behind his rant that they wanted us mad at it. And clearly…that behavior is unacceptable. I'm just tired of seeing that stereotype. ALTHOUGH, I have to say, I'm sure there is a lot of Kurt that is simply a stereotype and the gay community can't be satisfied with that either. Thankfully, it's just a TV show!
I think a great example of a loving Christian on TV (one of very few) is Tami on Friday Night Lights.
rebeccannb says
They definitely wanted us to be mad at Finn but I wasn't mad at him… just Kurt! I'm tired of it as well! Yes, thankfully it is a TV Show! 🙂
Oh yeah Tami on FNL is a great example!
Joy says
Awesome post Amy! I have to admit…when I saw the title, I was a little afraid of what I was about to read. But, I couldn't agree with you more!!! I feel like now, more than ever, I am judged for being a Christian and for being proud to openly tell people that I am a Christian. And, I feel that it is solely due to the fact that so many people are seeing "those" Christians and automatically assuming that I (we) are just the same. And, television, magazines, news, etc just continues to feed into that "mentality". I feel that I am extremely non-judgemental and pray that I always will be. People who know me well know how absolutely accepting I am of many things even when I do not agree. It just isn't my place to judge anyone~ that's how I have always felt. However, many people are judgemental and close minded. I think people just need to realize that no two people will ever be the exact same…not Christians, not gay people, no one.
Anyway, just wanted to comment and let you know that I enjoyed reading your "rant"! 🙂
bennettaj says
Thanks, Joy!
Sarah says
Amy, you know I love your posts, even though our religious beliefs differ in some ways.
I’ve been talking with friends at church about how we have the same “image problems”. People know the negative stereotypes of a religion. Once they come in they’re amazed at the wonderful people and at how mistaken their impressions of the “rules” were. But you’ve got to be proactive to come in and see that, and it shouldn’t have to be that way. It’s a shame.
As for Glee, I saw that monologue as an expression of a father’s love for his son. Whatever he knows or doesn’t know, whatever he agrees with or disagrees with, he’s absolutely certain that his child, his love for his child, and his protection of his child is his first priority.
Kind of like God with us, I thought.
.-= Sarah´s last blog ..Finish Me Anonymously =-.
bennettaj says
Thank you, as always, Sarah.
Interesting…I can see what you're saying about the monologue but I definitely saw it as an attack on conservatives. And again, not agreeing with what Finn said..I just saw a bigger picture behind the conversation. But yes, I agree God loves us no matter what.
Poppy says
You've just helped me realize why I absolutely hate that show: Because all they do is stereotype people.
Poppy says
(And then SING ABOUT IT. UGH!)
(I love broadway musicals, but this show STINKS.)
bennettaj says
I think you are right, Poppy! Nearly everyone is a stereotype but I guess that's typical for a comedy. I guess the drama part of it makes me want to make it more realistic and have the characters more than one dimension. I do like the singing though 🙂
EDW says
I saw the episode. And I hope you know that I very much respect your views and opinions. Yet I'm not sure why you're so upset or felt like it was an attack.
I didn't think Finn was supposed to represent Christians. At all. Is he Christian? I guess he was part of the chastity club, but I've never noticed any religion on his part. Nothing. Is any character Christian? I thought the point was that Kurt pushed his, for lack of a better term, gayness on Finn, and Finn pushed back but negated his very valid points by doing it in a mean way. Does Finn have to get it? No, but no matter how Finn feels he still shouldn't call Kurt names. I thought that was the point. You don't approve of homosexuality, but you're not going to call Kurt names.
Finn's not a conservative or a Christian, he's a kid who used mean words. Now, Sue is a conservative, and she's mean. Take issue with her, for sure.
Honestly, I don't think they stereotype everyone. I think they take these stereotypes and try to open them up a little, bit by bit, like people do in real life. I'd love to see an actual Christian character, and actual conservative character on the show. That would be great. The West Wing had a conservative character that the President hired, and she was great. She stated her views in the same intelligent, passionate way everyone else on the show did, and she had a major affect on one of the main characters. I missed her when she was gone – not because I agreed with her, but because she was real.
I spent 7 years representing the Evangelical Christian viewpoint to my company of people who literally did not understand that people believed this "stuff", lived this way, bought those books. So I get very much the sort of mass media opinion of Christians, and how frustrating that is. I also was seriously questioned by the Christians I represented – was I Christian "enough"? Did I approve of my gay colleague? Was a "good" girl in a "bad" liberal (NYC) media world? I SWEAR to you, there was a sigh of relief when I got married at 24 – I was obviously on the right path! And, truly, it was those clients who celebrated my marriage so much more than my colleagues at large, who didn't understand why we just didn't live together. Shared values, for sure.
But I think what I am saying is twofold. Finn's not representative of anything you stand for, unless you are a 16 year old fatherless boy. And yeah, Christians get portrayed as small minded, but again, I don't think that's what happened here. And maybe they will give the Christian girl a shot to be herself and not small-minded, just like real Christian high school girls. See what they do with it.
And, lastly, I was part of that left-wing liberal media. So remember that even if you're in a skyscraper in Times Square, deciding what people in the rest of the country will read, you're still just a person. Those girls in suits might even be trying to bridge the gap between "us" and "them". I sure was.
Shannon says
Great post Amy! I have to say, I have never watched Glee though.
I wouldn't mind seeing your life on a tv show.. Unfortunately, tv would probably find you boring. What drama or scandal could you possibly bring them? Wholesome tv is long gone with the 1980's, where the most a parent had to deal with was what their daughter would wear to school to impress the boy that put glue in her hair or the D their kid got on the report card. I love tv an am a junkie about it, but thank goodness for Nick at Nite, the Nickelodeon channel and tv on dvd so I can see it.
It is funny how easy it is to find shows about sex, drugs, homosexuality, racism and discrimination.. Even though most religions are portrayed on tv there always seems to be stereotyping with each. That seems to be what people want to see now on tv. They have to have the drama and the writers/producers have to have the scandals to keep people talking.
For those watching it, does it make them feel better off than others or that there is someone else that is "exactly" like them? Who knows, but I think so.
An all of the questions you ask are great, however, why would they want to talk about those or show them…Aren't those all things that we are expected to do everyday in life? Like I said, sorry but that is all boring. Who should live life following the path to get to God..You my friend, are following the road less traveled by Hollywood.
Now, if you ever get on the show, let me know, then I will watch it, to see you show them what life as a Christian is really like and really give the show something for people to talk about 🙂
bennettaj says
You bring a good point that Finn is not labeled Christian on the show but the writer/producer of the show did admit himself that in general, they are taking jabs at the conservative (mostly Christian) crowd in that article. And yes, I think they did that through Finn. It's debatable of course but that's just the way I saw it. I didn't mention that scene at all. I'm more bothered by this new incoming character and how she will be stereotyped. I guess my bottom line is through all this I wish Christians had a better stereotype.
Stephanie says
So I'm a little late to the conversation, but I just found your post through OhAmanda.
Finn is never been labeled as a Christian. If you're assuming he's Christian, then you need to assume all the characters are. While there have been some mean kids, there have also been lots of other characters (Quinn, Mr Schu, Marty…) that haven't called names. I find it presumptuous that you would assume all mainstream characters are Christians. Or all conservatives are Christians. Or anyone that doesn't blatantly have another religion is Christian.
It's a TV show. Everyone is a stereotype. There is no way you can show all sides to everyone's personality in an hour a week. All homosexuals don't spend hours on their skin care and sing in choir. All cheerleaders aren't complete morons who sleep around. All Hispanics don't throw people in dumpsters. And, all 16 year old boys don't call names.
I think it's wrong to get all huffy at a show based on one scene in one episode. Give them a chance to let people grow and change. Maybe there's an underlying storyline in which they all learn that they don't have to agree with life choices, but can work together and not use derogatory names.
I was not upset at either Finn or Kurt. They're kids learning where they fit in the world and how they ought to behave. I think Kurt's dad had the right message. You don't have to get it. You don't have to agree. But, you have no right to be mean.
Amy says
I definitely did not think Finn is a Christian. I think he was representing the conservative view in general which yes, a lot of times includes Christians. I think this one scene is a complaint of a bigger picture going on, not just that show.
And I think it is possible in a show not just to show stereotypes. Friday Night Lights does a great job of showing layers of people.