Today’s sermon was about the 2nd and 3rd commandments. You shall have no other idols before me and do not take the Lord’s name in vain found in Exodus 20:4-7
God has always used people to show who He is.
The God you elevate with your mind and speech is the God people will see
We like to elevate things that are just above us: celebrity, power, ghosts, horoscopes, athletes, the cross, the Bible (paper and ink, not the message). There is nothing like Him so treat Him like nothing else.
God’s name is significant. If you love Him, your speech will reflect that. In the same way, Matthew says some will say Lord, Lord but He doesn’t know them. They say one thing but their heart says another. Our love of Him should come out of our heart and into our mouths. The issue is hypocrisy. How do we show who God is? If you value Him so much, your words should reflect it. We are priests and communicate who God is. What name do you drop and what do people see?