Sometimes I have a bit of an identity crisis on here.
Sometimes I feel like a mom blogger. I blog about the funny things my kids say or I write them birthday letters. There are some mammoth mommy bloggers that I read and I think oh, I really need to steer my posts that way. Even more than that, some of them are super involved in their local blogging community. My mind goes a mile a minute and oh, wouldn’t a Charlotte mommy-blogger group be so much fun!
Other days I feel like a geek girl. I’m a professional programmer and love techie stuff whether it be my iPhone or just some cool thing I found online. I found some rockstar geek girl bloggers yesterday and I thought man, wouldn’t I love to be a rockstar geek girl like that..I really should write about all this coding and techie stuff I’m immersed in.
Other times I feel like a fan girl, writing about celebrity meetings or celebrity photos. Sometimes I feel like I could turn my blog into a Grade A (or at least D) celebrity news site.
Sometimes, I’m simply a Christian blogger. I put my heart on the line over and over and my soul is satisfied when I share that. There are some great Christian bloggers out there and I know I could write about that every single day and be happy.
I love to be the comedian. I can’t tell you the satisfaction I get when someone can laugh at something I wrote. Because sometimes you have to be there and sometimes you can write it well enough for people to feel like they were there. I read other blogs that are super funny and wonder if I could do that every day.
I’m also a writer, a cyclist, a fashionista, a designer, a photographer, a couponer, and a cook.
I guess sometimes I just feel like I need to peg this blog into one thing and be really good at that. Because that’s what the blogging experts say to do and those expert blogs look like so much fun. Some people have said they like coming on the blog and not ever knowing what type of post it will be. I’m sure some are turned off when they are expecting a spiritual nugget and then have to read about my new hair cut. I’d really like to find my niche. But I can’t. I am all those things. Some days I’m only one of those and some days I’m all of them. Usually on those days, I don’t even have time to be a blogger. I guess when you get to it, the thing I’m good at, the thing I know the most about, the thing that is my niche, is me. And as self-absorbed as that sounds, I can’t change it without losing some part of me.
I don’t think I have a pretty bow to put on the end of this except to say to those that stick around, I can’t thank you enough. I would write this blog (and did for 6 years) with no one reading it, but it sure makes it fun when you do. I hope you’ve learned a little, laughed a little, cried a little and one day, remember all those a lot.
I'm glad you are blogging about all those things! I know my blog is a hodge podge (sic) of things as well and sometimes I want it to be focused on one thing but , like you, I wear many hats and I will continue to blog like that!
I have felt (and still do) the same way … on my blog and off my blog … trying to discover who I am, who I want to be, and who I should be all at the same time. And then deciding to re-create and re-define myself daily. Glad to know there are others out there who feel the same way.
Amy I must say I love your blog. If I could write a blog, I would model it after yours. I love the different aspects of your life that you share with all of us.
Don't change a thing, continue to be all of these characters. They are who make you Amy!
I enjoy the reading the different hats so I don't know why it's a big deal that I write that way to me. Thank you for being a great reader AND commenter!!
I think it's probably a common issue bloggers face at some point or other. Glad there is at least the two of us!
Tina, that's so sweet!! *tear* Thank you for the support.
I don't even remember how long I have read your blog….I just know it's been a long time! I wouldn't change a thing about the way you blog…it's you!
I also don't feel like I fit into any particular category, so I've decided to say that I'm just a life blogger
I shouldn't have said "no one" read my blog. You, Jaynee and Allison have been reading I know for at least 6-7 years. Thanks for sticking around. I like that title, life blogger.
i like ur blog just the way it is.
I could have written this exact post, Amy. I've definitely gone through my share of bloggy identity crises. I think I'm going through one now. But I do have to add to the other comments and just say that I love your blog the way it is.
oh but btw u need to update ur age..ur 32 now
Really? For heaven's sake Amy your blog is wonderful just like you! Of course, I am a little bias, but your blog is many times the highlight of my day no matter what you write as I am sure it is for some other folks. Just keep writing, you are such a perfectionist that it brings out the self doubt sometimes and this is one of those times. Listen to your mom (you know I'm always (mostly) right). Keep up the good work! Love, mom
Amy, I love that I come onto your blog and never know what the subject of the day may be. That is what keeps me coming back! Everything from Disney trips, kids and waht comes out of their little mouths , fan girl stuff to Cooking. I hope you stay true to the you so many of us have come to love to check out daily! Your writing is wonderful!
aw, thanks, sis
Thank you, I love all your different posts too!
yeah, yeah, thanks SIS
I would say you're a lot biased but thanks anyway. I'm glad you enjoy it!
Thanks for the comment, Kim, and of course for always returning!
I agree – I love all those parts of your blogging. I am often amazed at the multitude of things you do! It's good stuff. Don't change.
I read and keep coming back because you are all over the place… i never know what I'm going to get… (kinda like my blog!)
Aw, thanks for the comment, Heather!
I am right with you, girl! A lot of times I think, you know, maybe I could be MORE or do MORE or get MORE if I would narrow my focus … but then I wouldn't be me. I don't want blogging to be a chore. I do it because I love to write, and if I like to share recipes, laugh at myself, and talk about faith … that's what I am going to do.
Yes! So much pressure right?