Ok, so I know everyone and their brother with Groupon got this Gap coupon but I was SO excited how my purchase went I’ve been blabbering it all weekend and it’s not properly blabbered until it’s blogged.
So, first of all, if you’re not familiar with Groupon you haven’t been reading my blog you get to buy gift certificates to places for a discount price. A few weeks ago Gap did a nationwide Groupon and you got a $50 gift card for $25. Well, with Groupon you also get a $10 referral fee. I had one in my account so I only paid $15 for mine.
When I went in Saturday I was immediately drawn to the back of the store when ALL their dress pants were $35! After trying on several pair I settled on these Trouser pants.
I needed to get to my $50 gift card value though. Well, if you know Gap, they don’t have a whole lot of stuff for $15. I managed to find a T-shirt for $19.
When I went to ring up, my total was EXACTLY $50. Turns out the shirt was on sale for $15. My Groupon code worked beautiful and I owed absolutely nothing (not even tax). Not to mention I did the entire gift card transaction from their iPhone app – no printing.
So I walked out of the store with $79 worth of merchandise I paid $15 oop for.
Now that’s something to blabber about.
(And yes, go sign up for Groupon)
Way to go! I can’t wait to spend mine! I’m kind of waiting closer to the exp date to see what new fall stuff comes in 🙂 (and when it actually gets cold enough to wear it!!)
I sort of had plans to do that but the pants are exactly what I needed! Let me know what you end up with!
Cute finds. Reminds me that I need to get to Gap and use mine.