Our play room seems to evolve often, sometimes weekly. It’s been in my office, my living room, Lexi’s old nursery. It’s been in Lexi’s old nursery, now called the playroom for quite some time. Scott threw together a few tables for them to play on but we never got around to painting them, With two kids armed with crayons, markers, stamps, juice and chocolate, it’s nearly worthless to put much effort into it. But, at 5 and 7 I think they are well passed the point where not everything will be written or spilled on.
But clearly in the past that was not the case. I found this old picture of the tables:
As you can see, it looked more like their latest art creation than their play table. So we pealed off stickers and Scott sanded the rest.
Then I gave it a good coat of Kilz.
I decided leaving a white top was brave even now so I decided to tie in the purple. I painted the top the same purple from the walls. And then I decided to put a scalloped edge around the top sides. I made a stencil out of construction paper. I simple drew a circle from the outline of a drinking cup, cut it out and then marked two dots on it where it would align on the top of the table so it would be the same each time. Actually, I ended up folding the circle at the dots so all I had to do was lay the stencil on the top of the table. Sometimes it takes me awhile.
I did that all the way down the table, ignoring the break in the wood.
And then I took a smaller brush and filled it in by hand with purple.
Then I couldn’t leave it like that, wanting to tie some white into the purple. So I got one of the girls’ paint brushes and did an outline of dots around the scallops.
Then I couldn’t leave it like that, wanting to tie some pink into the table. So I got some regular acrylic craft paint I had and using the same small brush, drew petals in pink and then did one more dot in the Kilz white in the middle to finish off the flower.
And then, I was happy.
The tables went into the playroom yesterday. Please excuse the very non-matching, huge STOP sign and traffic light. This is what happens when your dad is a police officer.
Perfect? No. But better? YES!
I LOVE IT!!!! What a difference!!!Cracked up about the Stop sign and light….yep the girls will have a good loving laugh about their daddy over those some day!
Thanks, glad you liked it, thanks for helping me figure it out.
VERY cute! Love the scallops
Thanks, Stacey!
Very Cute … I’m still trying to figure out where you get all this time?!!? Will you let me in on your secret?!
HA! I still feel like I need more! This one was done over the weekends and late at night after the kids got in bed. Now that all my TV shows are premiering again my time is going to be limited
Looks great and love the scallops! I’m wondering how long it remained that tidy. In my house it would be about 10 min.
They’ve been doing well so far but I know that won’t last!
I think the Stop sign and the lights don’t look that bad! It’s kind of saying, STOP here! There are crayons!
Oh man we need a Children Play Here sign!
So cute…Leila will be happy to see that the Littlest Pet Shop stuff is still being enjoyed. You guys MUST find your way to Toronto so we can hand down the two massive Barbie castles (they were too big to fit in the barrel we thought we could ship them in). They’re still tucked away in a corner of our basement until I can figure out how to get them to you (Leila refuses to hand them down to anyone else).
Yes! We do need to get up there…
Ok ummm the STOP sign made me picture you feeling frustrated telling them to STOP not sharing or something, so you just said “here’s your sign”
Wow, awesome tables! You did fabulous work on them!
Thanks, Shelley!!