I did the girls nails today. And then mine again after mine was destroyed doing theirs. They picked white, pink and purple. Go figure.
These are Emma’s. Her pinkies are my favorites.
These are Lexi’s little chubby hands and I just want to *squeeze* them. I can barely get passed the cute chubby to see her nails. Her right thumb is the best but you can’t see it well.
I picked white, purple and some peachy color (quickly when my orange wouldn’t work) which I sort of regret. I think I’m getting a handle on the patterns though. These are at least much more consistent in look across all the fingers.
Things I noticed: my high lacquer polishes hardened almost immediately. My older Revlon polishes wouldn’t spread well. I stuck to newer Revlon colors I had.
I really want to try out some neon colors!
After the week I had this is well worth a try!
Jusika recently posted…My October 15th
Amy, try Sinful Colors polish, it is usually the cheapest at Walgreen’s ($1.99 here) About 4 times a year it is on sale B1G1, that is really the time to stock up on those neon colors.
Congrats on getting this down so quickly. I am telling you, when I was in cosmetology school, this was not an easy thing to learn.
ps, I didnt realize how much I miss doing nails until I saw your creativity here.
Oh, Walgreens?! I can DEFINITELY work that into a coupon deal, especially at $1.99 B1G1!
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