Whew, so Emma turned eight and we all survived. I have to admit, there IS something different. She really seems older and I think there was a little shift in my perception of her. All in a good way but yeah, 8 is different. So we had a busy weekend, here’s the rundown:
- Friday evening we attended a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese’s. I don’t abhor that place and actually, now that the girls are old enough to run around without me following their every move it was kind of enjoyable to see them have a blast with their friends and I got to play Words with Friends and eat pizza and root beer for a few hours. Score!
- The girls spent the night with Scott’s mom Friday night but no sleeping in for me because I was up and in the kitchen by 9. Emma really wanted chicken pot pie for dinner but she also wanted to go to Dad’s race and the Concord Christmas parade which did NOT leave enough time before dinner to actually make dinner for the family coming over. So I stayed in the kitchen making dinner and then lunch.
- About lunch we headed towards Concord for the race. Most of that time was spent waiting on the race where I strengthened my opinion that sugar completely turns my kids into uncontrollable, incoherent banshees. Or something like that. It’s not good.
- Dad PR’d in the 5K (woot!) and we were able to catch about 45 minutes of the parade before we had to leave. Apparently the floats are judged and the parade televised. You could tell everyone had brought out their best. We had to skedaddle though because…
- We had the family over for Emma’s birthday. The pot pie did something weird but it was edible.
- Today after church and lunch I took Emma to get her nails done. She has begged ALL YEAR to get hers done and I always tell her she’ll have to wait for something special like her birthday to go. So there was no more putting it off.
Does this not look like an 8 year old? She’s wearing hair bands as bracelets just like her friends at school and has lime green polish. I love it! But look…her baby hands are all gone. Can I go back to crying? Wahhhh…
And you know I just didn’t have the heart to leave little sissy out. I love her baby hands with that blue glitter polish!
- This evening we took the girls to the mall and Toys R Us to use up some gift cards and birthday money as well as do some Christmas shopping. And now, as with many weekends, I need a weekend from my weekend!!
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