I’m so, so, so glad I took Friday off from work. A four day weekend is just what I needed. I finally got a weekend from my busy weekend! Here are some highlights on what we did (or didn’t do) from the weekend:
- CVS Black Friday deals to start the day which included 5 Reese’s cups and 5 King Size peanut M&M’s. Totally and completely worth getting up.
- Macy’s parade. The girls were in a trance watching the opening number and went around the house kicking their legs as high as they could.
- Dinner at Mom’s. The girls wore their hats they made at school and Emma read a few Thanksgiving poems. BEAMING I was.
- Tangled. You know how I feel about that. Full of WIN. And Flynn. Flynn is win.
- Dinner at Scott’s parents. Good to get together with a big group of family for Thanksgiving.
- You heard about my boots. We also hit up Chick-fil-a and the mall.
- Spent the afternoon doing fun things like laundry.
- Darian came over and we ended up out shopping again. I couldn’t pass up 50% off at NY&CO for their jeggings. I have them on as I type this and I keep asking myself why I waited so long to get them. Seriously. They have a thick elastic waistband and they are PERFECT for the Monday after Thanksgiving. Just sayin’.
- Saturday morning I spent serious time cleaning up and doing more laundry. All weekend, I felt a little like I was spinning my wheels trying to clean but eventually it started looking more clean than not.
- Saturday afternoon we went to my mom’s for leftovers for lunch and the girls ended up playing for several hours with one of their friends that lives by them. I did a lot of nothing which I was completely over by the time we left.
- Saturday evening the girls and I tore the living room apart to wrap all the presents we had so far. It was killing them that none of them were their presents. They know about Santa and I had presents for them so they were dying to wrap their presents. Lexi even told Emma to get the nerf guns out and gave her permission to shoot her if she tried to come in the room while we were doing hers.
- Saturday night I completely vegged, completely forgetting to wrap their presents after they went to sleep, and caught up on the latest Chuck DVD I got in the mail Saturday.
- Church. So good. Apologies for not doing a recap but grace. God is FOR grace. Pretty sure God is teaching me a lot about grace. It’s been in my face like nobody’s business.
- Dinner at Scott’s parents.
- We had to return Emma’s pregnant Barbie. Her arm came out of the socket as soon as we got her out of the box.
- The girls and I played school for TWO HOURS. Actually, we played homeschool. Which meant I was the teacher. It included being dropped off, sitting in the hall waiting for class to start, craft time, reading time, math, computer time, snack time, related arts. Serious stuff. Can we say we were all ready for school to start back today?
- Last night I spent the whole night finishing a book for the INSPYs. It is KILLING me not being able to review these books.
So there, I don’t know if that does anything for posterity by blogging our every move but we had a great, relaxing weekend. Hope you did too!
Watching Tangled with the kids. Their first theater movie. Good thing we have the place to ourselves…J is climbing all over.