We had a lovely Christmas weekend. Scott had to work Friday and Sunday but we fit in a trip to each of our parents’ Friday night and Saturday. Sunday was spent at home trying to figure out where to put everything AND playing in the SNOW. I think it was the first white Christmas in Charlotte in 60 years or something. In true Carolina fashion, the sun was out as soon as it was done and is quickly melting it today.
I have a few favorite memories I hope to keep with me from this year.
I created a “package station” where the girls had their presents in stacks, labeled with handmade paper snowflakes above it.
Making the snowflakes brought back great memories of doing them in school.
But seeing the girls see something new and fun that I actually managed to hand make was WAY better.
We still have the snowflakes up and really I have no desire to take them down.
Mom and Dad bought Lexi a police officer outfit. Cutest thing ever. Lexi has Emma in handcuffs as I type this and Scott is telling “security” to “take her away please” as he sits at their new Barbie cash register at the “mall”.
Lexi was quite animated opening presents. This particular score was over new earrings.
Emma was just as excited but reserved in her reaction. Her best reaction was over a Taylor Swift CD. I loved reading the lyrics in the jacket cover as she played it on her new CD player my aunt got her. I haven’t done that since 1997.
It’s not that she hated her unicorn pillow pet as I assumed when she busted out crying after opening it. It was her last gift in her pile, none of which included the American Girl doll she was desperate to have. I thought I’d be clever and put all but their big presents out and at the end say, “I have one more present for you." and then bring it out with much fanfare. Christmas FAIL. She calmed down when I explained it but wow, she really wanted that doll.
Which makes this pictures of the girls with their American Girl dolls oh so wonderful.
Love this impromptu family picture. We had all piled in the chair in preparation for opening presents at Scott’s parents Saturday.
And finally, Emma and Lexi cackling over something at the snow man yesterday. Not much better site than that.
I hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Loved it!