Today we met with the designer and our friend that’s a builder. Both were really good meetings but boy, do we have a lot of decisions ahead of us.
The designer looked at a few of the designs we had come up with and liked one that I actually didn’t post. The biggest thing she recommended which really surprised me was to not do the tub if we don’t use it. She suggested instead to do a huge tile shower which would still satisfy the spa type feeling for the master. The plan also takes into account the split closets we wanted. She’s supposed to be putting a plan together this weekend so I’ll share when we get it.
We spoke with the builder and all seemed well. There were no hiccups or gotchas that came up and in fact, we think we might have a few extra feet on the end of the house to use. He gave us a few steps we can start with, mainly getting our survey from the courthouse to see if we need a new one or not. And then there are A LOT of decisions to make on what materials to use so he can do a proper bid. A few of the bigger things we’re having to consider right now:
- Side the whole house or just the addition with an accent siding on the front? In which case he recommended bumping out the front of the house about a foot.
- Where to put windows and what size.
- Flooring.
- Type of cabinets and countertop and overall look and feel of the bathroom.
- How to run the water lines and what to do about the hot water heater. Considering putting one of those instantaneous things in.
- Putting in a well while we’re at it to get better water pressure and reduce monthly water costs. Our pressure is AWFUL and we’re concerned it won’t support our nice big shower. This was just mentioned, not sure if we could if we wanted.
I won’t overwhelm you with more, that is quite enough to think about. I’m horrible at decisions so you can imagine that this blows my brain a bit. But, at the same time, it’s fun picking new stuff out!
I almost suggested the shower, but figured you may be a “nightly hot bath” kind of person. My mom did this in her house and tiled the entire thing, even the ceiling, and it is GORGEOUS.
I would love to see a pic!
The last bit about water pressure made me wonder whether you have considered the eventual shower needs of two teenage girls!
Oh believe me, I am bad enough with my long showers…something I can remember my parents bemoaning. With 3 of us, we’re going to need it!
Amy, I will see if she has a picture. She sold that house in December.