Did you really think that that would be the last floor plan? I mean really. I’ve posted 52 different versions and we haven’t even selected a builder yet. COME ON.
OK, yeah, I sort of thought we were set. But then Mom came to visit and pointed out a few issues. And then New Old Homes sent over SEVEN new floor plans to consider last night. So, this might be a new feature for a while… Daily Floorplan. So here’s today’s:
This one changed up the bathroom entrance and the linen closet which I LOVE . Makes that entrance much less awkward and it’s a better use of space I think (thanks, Mom). Also, this one we added a fireplace in the bedroom (!). This is wishful thinking and only if it’s in budget. But we have the room and if you know me, you know how cold I get in the winter and would LOVE a fireplace surrounded in stone. I think it would tie in the stone from the exterior really well. I checked out a few Architectural Digests at the library this weekend and it looked so yummy. Here are a few ideas I took snapshots of.
The fireplace/TV idea with the chairs. We’re thinking stone around it but I like the wood too.
Another fireplace idea
I love the idea of having curtains around the bed.
And I love this lighting thing going on in the living room. It has absolutely nothing to do with the addition
I’m so anxious to get the floor plan settled and get goin’!
Love this one, especially the fireplace.
dani recently posted…Ten Things I Bet You Didn’t Know You Could Do with Wet Wipes
yay! I hope we can make it work with all the plumbing in the wall.