Do you ever just feel like God is on your side? Sort of a heavy/prideful thing to say but I feel like God is on our side with this whole addition thing. He’s just GOOD. I don’t know if it will always be smooth sailing but this morning it was.
Where to start?
Well, the plan for our currently carpeted hallway and the new hallway is to replace all that with the hardwood that is in the living room, kitchen, etc. That way, we can put carpet in the new bedroom and not have to re-carpet the existing bedrooms. I like carpets in bedrooms, what can I say?
Scott and I went to Home Depot last weekend to cross our fingers and hope that they still had our floors. Well, only 2 lone boxes sat there, one of which had been opened and was poorly re-packaged. We needed 5. We talked to customer service and apparently it was a discontinued item and no one in our surrounding area had anymore. Collective sigh.
I didn’t want mismatched hardwoods so we were going to go the carpet route but then we’d have to carpet all the bedrooms too so we didn’t have mis-matched carpet between the hall and the rooms. Yeah, I know we could, but I’d rather do it right while we have the money.
So this morning we decided to do a nationwide hunt for this hardwood. I did a nationwide Craigslist search and two came up! There were 30 boxes of 3/8” in Atlanta! Ours was 5/8” but we could supplement with wood and make it work. Things were looking up!
I called Home Depot to see if they could widen their search. It was out of stock online. I called locally they showed nothing in their system. I mentioned that we just saw it last weekend and sure enough after taking a look, those 2 boxes were there. I started asking him how else we could find it as we were pretty desperate. He seemed helpful and put me on hold to make some calls. Well. Turns out there was some confusion and he was looking at their 3/8”. He DID have SEVEN boxes of the 5/8” although we were sure we only saw 2 boxes last weekend. I sent Scott right over and sure enough, he said, the seven boxes were stacked right where we had looked. Plus, they were in fact discontinued so the sales lady let us have the seventh box we really didn’t need for half price. Not to mention they were ALREADY 40% off from being discontinued.
In short, we got MORE than what we needed locally for 43% off the original price. Can I get an amen??
Also, this is our first official purchase for the addition! Yay!
Becky recently posted…Vision…Revival
I love this update! God cares about even the small things.
Richelle recently posted…Winner- Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes a Day
Richelle, yes He does!!
Super exciting! I love deals and love to see God at work.
God is in it ALL THE WAY!!!!
Amen! That’s fantastic, Amy. It’s exciting even from afar watching your project come together so I can imagine how it feels for you guys.
Praying hard for ya’ll
God is indeed very good! Good luck on the addition and thanks for commenting on my blog :).
For some reason just seeing all these comments. Something is wonky on my notifications since the blog move. Thank you all for your support!