Sooo…it’s clear it’d be better if I memorized the lines so I wouldn’t read and could smile a little more since I wasn’t concentrating. But overall, first time ever doing something like this? I’m happy. Yay for new things!
Amy I think you did really well! Your church looks like it could be my church’s twin! We have these same videos telling about almost the same exact things It made me smile because I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my church Trina recently posted…Harness Jewelry Love
Fantastic job! I recently had to do a short video talking about life groups at our church and I thought I was gonna break out in hives! You look like a natural though. Jen recently posted…Raging Germs
Great job! Who did your make-up? It looks great!
dani recently posted…I’m Sooo Ready for Spring -Macy’s Haul!
Thank you! I did it myself :). All Mary Kay
Looks super professional! I know JoAnne (which, btw, I’m now addicted to my firming eye cream)is your fantabulous consultant but I do have a $25 MK giveaway this week –
dani recently posted…I’m Sooo Ready for Spring -Macy’s Haul!
Way to go! You did great

Staci Brown recently posted…Top Ten Tuesday – 31 products
I thought that was awesome

Amanda recently posted…The Kitchen Table
Amy I think you did really well! Your church looks like it could be my church’s twin! We have these same videos telling about almost the same exact things
It made me smile because I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE my church 

Trina recently posted…Harness Jewelry Love
Yay for good churches we love!
Fantastic job! I recently had to do a short video talking about life groups at our church and I thought I was gonna break out in hives! You look like a natural though.
Jen recently posted…Raging Germs