Last night I spent some concentrated time with the girls. We all went to Lexi’s Tae Kwon Do class to see her. And let me tell you, that girl melts my heart. Emma kept asking, “Mommy why are you laughing?” It’s hard to explain that you’re so proud that your joy bubbleth over into laughter! She got two stripes last night!
Emma and I left about 15 minutes into her class to do some grocery shopping alone. As we were going to check out, Emma kept begging to do the self check-out but I could feel my busy-body self saying No, we don’t have time. And then I remembered that part of Emma’s love language is time so I turned the cart around and we self-checked out $60 of groceries, many of which were vegetables. It took plain-forever but Emma had a blast. As we were walking out she held my arm and told me how much she loved it and how we had done it together. I also took the girls to the mall and Target after dinner just to look for some little things to use their chore money on. And guess what? There was no pouting, whining, eye-rolling last night. And I don’t think it was because they got to spend money (all $1 of it), I think it’s because I heard her plea to do something with me and did it. Maybe part of my answer from yesterday is just to slow down. Even though Emma can do most anything by herself, she still wants me to do it with her and sometimes for her.
This morning was a busy morning! I spent the early morning with school drop-off and then tax returns! I am ecstatic to say we are getting a refund this year.
The house is getting cleaned this morning which always makes the day better! We’re hosting small group tonight so I’m happy to have little to do before they get here.
And finally, our appraisal is got done today! He said the bank wanted it by Friday so I’m really hoping we can get the financing wrapped up this week and start next week! With all this great weather we are itching to get started!
I love everything about this post. I slowed down with my little man today and let him pump gas. You would have thought I bought him a huge candy bar with the way he was acting. He felt like such a big boy and was smiling before, during, and after the gas pumping experience. I kept thinking how I should do these little things with him more often because they make such an impact. You are right…it’s all about slowing down. I wish I could have seen Emma’s smile after check out.
Richelle recently posted…Intentional Loving- Date Night
Thanks, Richelle. Wanted to do some old school blogging today :). My girls love pumping gas too.