OK bad news. We’ve had so many layoffs at our permit office that it’s taking until Wednesday to get it.
More bad news. It’s supposed to rain Wednesday night. So that means no digging footings until Thursday. Bummer since I was kind of hoping we’d be pouring concrete today but, that’s the way these things go I hear.
In good news, our builder came over with the brick guy and it looks like we’ll be able to do the cheaper crawl space instead of a slab. No breaking up concrete if something ever goes wrong! Woot!
In FUN news, our money cleared today so Scott and I went on a spending spree at Lowe’s for my lunch break today. It’s so much fun just strolling the store and throwing stuff in the buggy, even if it is electrical wire and a toilet! Of course thinking about the fact we’d be paying for all that stuff over the next 30 years brought us back to earth in a hurry. The best part is we had a 10% coupon and got several things on sale so yay!
And finally, our bank said they owed us $150 from closing and they’re sending us a check. Now that is what I call good news!