OK, it’s time to start weekly reviews!
Lauren – I love Lauren so much. I love Shania so much. And I think Lauren did the song justice and even had a few nuances to it but honestly, I felt it was kind of boring for her. I think she’ll still sail through though.
Casey – Standing ovation. That was awesome. I mean, dare I say, almost sexy. Who knew that song could be so fun?
Ashthon – I felt that was so out of touch with today’s world that no one could connect with it.
Paul – That beginning was really rough. It was hard also to connect with because I was clueless about the song and his movements are so hard to follow but his voice is so amazing. If you close your eyes and listen, I can completely hear him on the radio. He’s so unique and I want him through because he’s one of the guys I would buy an album from.
Pia – She just nailed a Celine Dion song. Omigosh. I think she just converted me as a huge fan.
James – The best news about James is he lost his tail this week. Finally! But wow, even better, I LOVED that song. I was grinning and clapping before he even finished!
Haley – Haley has a gorgeous voice there is no doubt but I just, I don’t know. I feel like she’s a little fake and have a hard time connecting with her. I mean,she seems sweet enough, but I guess she’s just not my cup of tea.
Jac0b – Jac0b is another that I probably won’t be buying his album but have mercy, he can SANG. So impressive.
Thia – Not a fan of whatever they did to that song. Too bad because I really liked her.
Stefano – Sorry, not a fan of that remix. No thanks. He sang it ok I guess but just not a fan.
Karen – I felt like someone pulled the power plug on Karen this week. I haven’t been a huge fan of her to date, but she’s always had a huge, powerful voice. Just wasn’t seeing that tonight. I was waiting on those big moments like Selena had and just didn’t feel it.
Scotty – I think I liked last week better but still a great rendition of Garth. And hello? Can anyone else tell how much all the little girls LOVE him? He is definitely a crowd favorite.
Naima – I felt like this was her weakest performance honestly. She was breathy and off-pitch and her moves seemed a little spastic to me. I did enjoy the Reggae thing. I don’t think it was enough to send her home but I’m not sure how long she’ll last with performances like that.
Favorites: Casey, James, Jac0b, Paul
In trouble: Thia, Ashthon, Karen
Love your review! I agree with everything. I do like Paul. Casey is a favorite. I really like Lauren, and Pia (WOW!) I am anxious to see what happens tomorrow night.
Julie recently posted…Meeting for the First Time
It’s going to be really hard to let people go this season.
I agree! I think tonight is Karen’s night. How many are going home tonight? 2?
Julie recently posted…Meeting for the First Time
Just 1 tonight.
In a perfect world the top three would be Lauren, Scotty and James. Well, rather, my world.

Kaitlin recently posted…Trailer for Madison Burge’s Humans Vs Zombies
I would approve of your American Idol world
So many unique voices. I feel like I voted for almost everyone, ha. I really don’t like naima. I don’t know why. But i love Paul and James and Haley and thia. Such unique voices!
I was thinking more about Naima’s performance and I really did not like it. I Should have put her as in trouble for tonight
I was behind, but started reading your recap as they were showing us the numbers at the end. It was fun to read your thoughts while looking at the show’s highlights … I think you could be a judge!
Oh thanks
it’s funny because I type right before the judges speak an sometimes, especially Randy and I usually say the same things!
Amy- In regards to Naima, I’ve never been that big a fan of hers, and while I think her performance was memorable, if you only listen to her vocal you’ll realize that she doesn’t have the chops. I watched last night’s episode while on my laptop, so for large portions of it I was only listening while my eyes were on my computer screen and it makes a BIG difference in how you judge people. For example: If you’re not looking at Pia, it completely changes your opinion of her performance.
Really? I think Pia nailed it and I was very hesitant about her, especially after last week was blown out of proportion in my opinion. I’m going to have to relisten.
Completely agree with every single one of them!
dani recently posted…Spring Fever Giveaway! Free Memory Manager Software!
I was wondering what you thought!