As you read this, I’ll be having my “first day”. Not really first day but in some ways it will feel like it.
I’m commuting to the office.
All my network access will be wiped.
I’ll get a new badge.
I’ll fill out a bunch of paperwork.
I’ll sit at my new assigned desk.
I’ll work 8 hours.
Some of that I’m not too excited about. However, I AM pretty pumped about the new suit I bought at The Limited last weekend. Nothing like a little retail therapy. I figured since I’m a legit banker now, I ought to have a proper suit. Here’s my “first day” outfit:
Those pants are so scrumptious, I can not wait to wear them! I might have to sit in a cube for 8 hours, but I’m going to feel good doing it!
Have a wonderful day! Love the outfit and I can picture you in it! BTW, I’ll be at IKEA if you want to have lunch! Love, Mom
Happy “first day”!!
Love those pieces! Especially the pants!
Trina recently posted…T-Shirt to Pullover Hoodie
Thank you, I realized the shirt I ended up getting is different. It still has ruffles type thing at the top but it’s magenta. Anyway, you still get the picture
The pants fit like butta’. Love them!
OOH!!! So proud of you! Hope today looked great and you did too!
dani recently posted…Last Chance for Memory Manager Software Giveaway!
Great outfit for a day at the bank, hope it went well.