Nothing new going on today unless you count the satellite and phone being fixed. Sounded like the plumber couldn’t make it today and they’re starting the roof in the morning. In the meantime, I’ll show you around a bit more. Here are some daylight pictures of the outside with the windows and door. I wish I would have shot it wide enough that you could see the shorter window that matches from the kitchen.
I love the way the French door looks. Scott was pushing to save money and go for a single door but I have to say, I think it’s going to be worth it.
And here are all the interior walls finished. I tried to label everything and then show you a few extra pictures so you could see it all from different angles. The only thing missing is part of the closet wall and the shower wall still needs built out.
Wow looks great. It’s huge too.
Will you be putting on a deck off your french doors?
Yes, eventually we will be. For now, probably just a simple set of steps to pass code.
WOW!!! I can’t believe how quickly this has all happened. Does it feel quick or slow to you?
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Depends which day you ask
But yeah, overall, I can’t believe it’s less than two weeks and they’re out there putting on a roof as we speak. Although, the builder said to expect exactly that
Congratulations on the new home coming together!
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