Decisions, decisions. This is for our bedroom. It will basically hang at the foot of the bed, midway between the fireplace and headboard. What I really was after was a pretty chandelier to be the girly jewelry in an otherwise manly room. However, after a quick look at and, I have just a *few* more options. Halp!
What say you?
See more Top Ten Tuesday posts over at
I really like the first option the best, but I’m not “girly” in my tastes, so simple is better for me.

Ashley Pichea recently posted…Blogging Through the Gospels- Day 2 Matthew 2-3
ok my favorite is 6. I don’t even know if that matches the room. But that is the one I like. I also like 2, and I think 1 is different too. I can’t wait to hear what you do choose! I know it will be beautiful

Amanda recently posted…March 25th…
AH! So many choices! My fav’s are: 1, 4, 7 and 8!
Not much help huh?!
Becky recently posted…Meet the Mauldin Family
When I saw #2, I thought that is so Amy, but I really love #3 for a more romantic look.
I love 7. I think 5 is about as girly as I could get.
So many great options to choose from! I like #1 and #10. Good Luck!
I love the softness of #3, and you still have the girly bling on it. #10 is my second choice. Keep us posted, I’m living vicariously through your remodel!
I love #1, but wonder if I would tire of it rather quickly? #9 is my fave classic choice!
Anne recently posted…Talk to Your Man Like Abigail Adams
I have #2 and #7 in our house and LOVE them both. Mine look just a little different in size but the design aspect is the same. I also kinda like #10. I think it’s the ‘girly’ one of the group. Can’t wait to see what you decide!
Maria from The B.M.C. Report recently posted…We Interrupt this Crazy Rainstorm
I *LOVE* the first one!
Stacey recently posted…Song Stuck In My Head
I’m definitely in the minority but I love #8! It would be my first choice. My back ups would be #1 and # 5.
#1, #3, or #10 . . . love all three of these
I vote for #1 and #7. Then again, I’m not a huge fan of crystal frilly things.
~ Renee @ Steve LOOOOVES his TOMS.
~Renee @
Renee recently posted…Gratitude 04042011
My favorites are 1, 4 and 8!
Also, I know you’re in thrifty-mode, so don’t rule out a fixture from a Habitat store or a thrift store and paint it. Look at this:
#4 is my favorite
My backups would be #3 & #10
#1 gets my vote!
I love #3 for it’s modern, simple look and the touch or “girly sparkle”.
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