Lexi asleep with my work laptop (and Starbucks Frappuccino) nearby
Since I’ve gone full-time at work, it’s been really difficult to fit in everything I want to do. In fact, some things have completely fallen off the list altogether. But I’ve learned a few things over the years as a mom, and especially the past few months, to help life happen around here.
The Evening is Your Friend
As tired as you are set aside time after the kids’ bed time and before yours to get ready for the next day. Set out clothes, pack as much lunch as you can, even shower.
Freeze Your Meals
My mother will love this one but cooking and freezing ahead will be a huge time-saver, not to mention a stress-reducer.
Watch TV on DVR
Isn’t this a must? Don’t ever waste your time watching a show live. Did you know for a one hour show nearly 20 minutes are commercials? You save 30% of your time just by using a DVR. It doesn’t take much math to realize whatever the cost, it is worth it!
Or, Don’t Watch TV
Yep, I’m going there. Honestly, I do not watch TV since I started my full-time job. It saves HOURS every week and I do not miss it. Yes, you may need to wean yourself off like me. Even before I took my job, I started weeding out shows that I wasn’t fanatic about.
Run Errands Weekly
I used to run to the grocery store and bank anytime I needed. I had every lunch hour free to do whatever I want. But now, I group all my errands for a day that I work from home and run, run, run.
Use Your Drive Time
Use your commute time wisely. When commuting alone, use that time for prayer or listening to an audio book that you don’t otherwise have time to read. When commuting as a family, use that time for good family chatting or testing of skills like multiplication.
Put Your Kids to Work
Do not underestimate what your kids can help out with. My kids LOVE to help with laundry and yes, even clean the toilet. It saves you time and helps them learn tasks.
Automate Your Bills and Go Paperless
This is a no-brainer for me but making your payments automatically will save you time from keeping your eye on the due date, saves time writing the bills, not to mention the money on the checks. And while you’re at it, go paperless on all your bills and save yourself the time on opening and filing mail.
Put Your Calendar On Your Phone
It saves me so much time and headache to put all of our appointments in my phone with 2 reminders each. No longer do I have to spend head-space remembering them but I also don’t have to keep up with all the reminder cards or cleaning off the fridge or my purse of them. Plus, I don’t miss appointments.
Get Help
Maybe at one point you had it all together and could do everything but maybe, like me, a child or promotion later you just don’t have the time to get it all done. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I have no shame in someone else cleaning my house. I’m exhilarated that my Mom cleaned out my fridge while we were on vacation. Paid or not, welcome help. You don’t have to do it all. Let me repeat, you don’t have to do it all.
So, busy people, what else am I missing? I would love more tips on saving time as a mom!
I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Starbucks blogging program, for a gift card worth $30. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
The crockpot has become my best friend lately! It may require a short amount of prep the night or morning before, but you have supper cooked as soon as you get home and I love that! Otherwise, it’s after 7 before we’re all done eating.
Run the dishwasher at night so you don’t have to wait on it to finish in order to wash clothes or do other water-related tasks. Ours has a timer on it where we can set it all up and it will wait 2, 4, or 8 hours to run.
Also? I don’t get online at all once I’m home. It’s family time and I’m online all day at work anyway, so it doesn’t bother me one bit. It’s actually really nice. I also don’t get on much during the weekends.
I think that’s it!
Leann recently posted…Nothing to Report
I would love some great crockpot recipes, Leann!
And yes! We run the dishwasher at night too.
As far as not getting online…well, I have some work to do on that 😉
Luckily (or not!), I don’t have an iPhone or android or even have a data plan on my smartphone. We don’t want to spend the extra money to be that connected. And if I had one, I think I’d be on it all the time!
A few crockpot recipes: http://webgal79.blogspot.com/2011/06/foodie-friday-italian-herb-chicken-in.html and http://webgal79.blogspot.com/2011/06/foodie-friday.html. I also have a crockpot cookbook called “Fix It and Forget It.” It’s pretty good!
Leann recently posted…Nothing to Report