I have had this book on my wish list since the day it came out. The Internet was abuzz with its message. But I have to admit, I was skeptical.
Last week my friend Jo Ann visited us in Florida and had read it on her road trip down. She raved about it. No sooner had I gotten back from Florida this weekend and my mom and sister were both on Facebook raving about it. Last night I picked the copy up from Mom’s.
The book itself is a great read. I noticed after finishing that it’s co-written by Lynn Vincent who also wrote Same Kind of Different as Me. The writing style and pacing completely made sense and accounts for why I liked the style of both of them so much. In the same way Same Kind of Different As Me had me up for nights just plowing through, I had this shorter book read in a few hours. I felt like you had a clear picture of the setting, characters and storyline. They did a great job of unfolding the story in much the same way they experienced it. So bravo on that end.
I have to preface my review of the content by another review I did of The Shack. I walked into that book unprepared. I didn’t realize it was fictional. I spent much of the book going, “Really?” Beyond that, the conversations with God supposedly happened and even those, I still question because they don’t align with much of my current theology. Basically, The Shack was well written but I don’t believe it. So going into this book I was skeptical. Really skeptical. Here is a family who is writing a book based on things a FOUR year old said. The biggest claim people say is, but that’s the point! A four year old wouldn’t know these things! And that’s right. I agree. A four year old wouldn’t know those things. But an adult would. And a creative adult can write any story any way he wants just like in The Shack. So I’m not saying the proof isn’t astounding. I’m just saying that a deceptive, creative set of people could write this book. There wasn’t anything about heaven that someone hasn’t conjectured already.
HOWEVER. Unlike when I read The Shack, I felt complete peace and joy reading the book. When I’ve read and listened to interviews of The Burpos online since then, I feel there is a sense of honesty there. They are just a family that experienced something supernatural and they’re putting it out there, no matter what you think. I’ve experienced that a time or two and know what it’s like to put yourself out there.
All of the things he said has lined up with Scripture, which I appreciated that they did throughout the book. In each interview, they are consistent in their message and don’t dodge questions.
Is there a small part of me that is still skeptical? Of course. People are capable of much more deception that you realize. But God is capable of what happened to this little boy too. So if I went in 50% sure of this, I came out 99% sure of it.
Which means. What an awesome story. What a good God we serve. How much more do I want to have that child-like faith. How awesome is the comfort so many people can receive from their story. And what color is my sash going to be??
I give it two thumbs and a Must Read!
I’m waiting for a friend to finish so I can read it, too. I have heard great things. I enjoyed reading your take on it…
Thanks, Allison. Let me know what you think after you read it.
Amy recently posted…Review: Heaven is For Real
I have been so on the fence about this book for the longest, even though everyone i know who has read it, raves about it. I was trepidatious about reading The Shack, and after finishing it wished i had not read it. Ugh.
Pete Wilson just did a series on Heaven that you can see online at CrossPoint after meeting with the Burpo family. If you haven’t seen it yet, check out the interview Pete did with Mr. Burpo and his son. they were so sincere & compelling. More than anything it was just great to stretch my mind and imagine experiencing life like that. Hearing that little boy talk about sitting on Jesus’ lap just blew my mind!
Thanks so much for the review; it was a great read Amy. I am definitely going to read it this summer!
Ally Garner recently posted…5 Things I’m Obsessing Over: Anniversary Vacation Edition!
Funny you say that, Ally. I just watched Pete’s message from Sunday. He mentioned reading 12 books about the subject and I wondered if that was one of them. I had no idea he had talked to the Burpos. Actually, somewhere in the back of my mind I do seem to remember it being mentioned. Anyway, thanks for the heads up, I’m definitely going back to watch the other weeks.
Amy recently posted…Review: Heaven is For Real
Oh my pleasure! The video with Pete & the Burpos is actually on his blog. He posted it either last week or the week prior, i can’t remember. You’ll love it-especially now that you’ve read the book. What an amazing story & witness!
Ally Garner recently posted…5 Things I’m Obsessing Over: Anniversary Vacation Edition!
I read this book and loved it. I’ve read lots of secular accounts of near-death experiences, so there were some similarities, but the differences were what really drew me in. Overall I felt there was a real honesty in this book and in the interviews I’ve seen. I think the story that I found most convincing was the one about the little boy recognizing the grandfather in a picture of him as a young man, a picture the little boy had never seen.
I have not read The Shack. I’ve heard good things from a couple of friends, but I’ve also heard quite a few negative reactions as well. I may get around to reading it, but certainly with plenty of skepticism going in.
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