As expected, I lost the dog battle. I had a list of at least 10 good reasons we didn’t need to get him but alas, I can not withstand the puppy power.
Meet Tucker.
Mattie’s reaction: Uh, I don’t know about this, guys. Seems kind of scary!
He’s close! Too close to me!
Yeah, uh guys, I’m going back inside.
Poor Mattie. Bless her heart.
Back to the puppy.
He’s twelve weeks old.
Golden eyes
Brown nose.
Cute as a button.
As expected, Lexi loves him.
And really, I think I’m going to too.
He’s VERY cute. As a fellow lab owner, may I offer some (albeit unsolicited) advice? TRAIN HIM WELL. And then you can love him unhindered his whole life. I slacked on my lab’s training, & the problems…well, he’s almost been relocated MANY times, let’s say. But…anyhow…PUPPEH cuteness! Enjoy him!
Oh, but I just realized your other dog looks like a lab, so you probably already know the training thing. Heh
Thank you!
He’s so sweet. No wonder Scott and Lexi were so instantly smitten. It’s a good thing that Scott knew you would come around about the new puppy even though you weren’t sold at first…Raouf would hit the roof if we came home with a dog (although Leila’s has been begging for one for more than a year).
Congratulations on your new family member!!!

Poppy recently posted…The next day
I agree with Clarabella about training like crazy for the first year, but I’m sure you already are.
But he is so adorable! I would love, love, love a puppy.
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