I’ve had my Kindle for a week. I’ve finished one book completely on it and have read parts of others. I’m no expert but here is my snap review.
- All your books at your fingertips. No more “where is my book?”
- No stacks of books lying everywhere.
- Moreover, no books to organize. While I *love* a home library I have to admit I felt a great sense of relief not having to find a home for the book when I was done.
- Easy manipulation of the book. Not too heavy to hold above your head when lying down. You only need one hand to manipulate the book. Is anyone else too lazy to use one hand to hold a book and the other to turn the page?
- I love the highlighting and the way it keeps a running summary of all your highlights in a central location. So much better than continually flipping through a book looking for them.
- Fast delivery! Love not waiting a week to get it in the mail.
- Love the book categories. The Kindle is more organized than my shelves of books.
- You can lend the eBook. I love this because there are complete strangers hooking up on BookLending.com and sharing books they never would have had the chance to.
- The price. It seems silly that we just paid over $100 just to have the ability to read a book. I would balk if our library started charging $100. And don’t get me started on prices of eBooks. $9.99. Really? For every new book I want to read? I’m all for buying used or, yes, lending.
- I really miss the physical book. There is some sort of connection I have holding a book. Or being in a bookstore or library. Don’t get me started. I love seeing rows and rows of books. To me, it represents so much hard work and creativity. I can’t tell you how much I love receiving a book in the mail. The clean, crisp pages and opening that front flap for the first time ever. Honestly. You just don’t get that kind of emotional response from an eBook.
- Moreover I’d miss my stack of books beside my bed and my bookshelves.
- I’m having a harder time telling how much book I have left. It gives the percentage and all but I like seeing an inch of book and knowing how to guesstimate how much reading time I have left.
- Lending is limited. Amazon lets you lend but only to one person for its lifetime and only for a specified 2 week period. This was always my biggest drawback from the Kindle. And still is.
What does your love/hate relationship look like with your eReader? Or what’s holding you back from getting one?
I have grown to love my Kindle. My love for it grew while reading the Bible in 90 days earlier this year. It was so much easier to do the reading using the Kindle. I still had access to good study notes. I could still highlight passages (and share them on FB!). It saved my place.
That’s one thing I really like about the Kindle – the automatic bookmarking. I’m reading a book and I’m also reading The Hobbit to Jesse. I don’t have to hunt for the last place I stopped in either book b/c the Kindle saves it. And I don’t have to worry about little hands stealing my bookmark out of my book either.
I also like that it’s compatible with Audible.com, which I use a lot. If my mp3 player isn’t handy (or is already full), I can download an audiobook to the Kindle and easily listen to it on that. (You can download music, too, but I haven’t done that yet.)
There are a lot of resources for free and cheap books and library lending is coming in the next month or so, too.
jen recently posted…Snap Movie Review: The Help
I was going to ask about the Bible. Is there a free version or did you buy it?
I bought the ESV Study Bible. I figured that was one I definitely would want to have on my Kindle. At $10, it was well worth it.
jen recently posted…Snap Movie Review: The Help
Thanks for the review. I don’t have an e-reader, and so far, I don’t really want one. I’m not exactly an early adopter when it comes to technology (I do still have – and use – a VCR), but it’s more of the book-lover in me. My first job was at a library, and I still love the way books smell – old or new. However, my cousin and aunt have Kindles and LOVE them. So I imagine I might someday be converted…
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