Whew, what a weekend! My friend Kaitlin came for her 3rd visit from Boston this weekend. I picked her up on the way home from work Friday and dropped her off this morning on the way to work.
We shopped, ate, swam and watched movies all weekend. Apologies to all my Twitter and Facebook friends for stuffing your streams full of it all. Note to you movie watchers: never watch Country Strong, watch Soul Surfer with your kids and Justin Bieber’s movie never gets old no matter your age.
With all the driving and walking and parenting and dog-parenting and hosting I was worn slap out by Sunday night. None of that was very hard on its own but we were just on GO most of the weekend. It’s always fun to have a great weekend but it’s just one of those weekends I need a weekend from my weekend, you know?
While Kaitlin was here we made a video with an announcement about our Friday Night Lights site. After two years and the series finale, we’re closing up shop. We’ve had some fantastic moments interviewing almost everyone from the cast and crew for our podcast, meeting folks at Beyond the Lights and visiting the set. I really couldn’t have asked for more from a fan site run. If you were ever interested in listening to the podcast with our interviews or reviews, make sure to grab those files from iTunes before we close everything down at the end of this month.
Hope you guys had a wonderful weekend and have started your week well!
I didn’t like Country Song either!