Emma ended up coming home from school today and went with Scott to pick Lexi up from school. Scott let Emma chat with me from his phone while they were waiting. So many emotions in one little chat…awww…ewwww…what?!?!? If you pay attention to the times, it helps make it make sense.
Translation of Emma’s 2:37 comment: “We’re going to the pharmacy right now. Daddy didn’t mean to but somehow he hit the gas and bumped into my friend’s grandma’s car. No damage but it scared us.” And just for the record, we did have some damage to our bumper :( Very thankful no damage to my family. Except perhaps some spelling related travesties.
did Scott help her spell “diareya” lol oh boy I just made myself crack up
I can hear Scott now…why don’t you just spell words the way they sound??
Amy recently posted…Emotional Chat
Poor Emma, she’s had a rough day! Hope she gets to feeling better and thankful everybody’s okay. What a sweet girl you’ve got Amy!