Two things have consumed my brain the last two days.
1 – Hurricane Irene. I’m not scared or worried about it. We live waaayyy off the coast and it’s not coming anywhere near us. But Scott got the dreaded call he might be deployed to Charleston to help evacuate the city in case it hit there. But no one ever gave us deadlines or a hint to when we might know. So for the last 48 hours we’ve basically been on pins and needles watching the projected path trying to figure out if he might be gone for up to 5 days. We thought he might be leaving yesterday but he’s still home and this morning it’s looking like it might not affect Charleston in the least so I’m hoping it gets called off today.
2 – Emma. Without embarrassing her we’ve been dealing with stomach issues the past few days. She’s barely wanted to go to school and we’ve been back and forth with the nurse on whether to send her home. The mama bear in me wants to keep her home and defend her to the teachers but I know it may not be as bad as she’s letting on. In any case, it’s taking up my brain space on what to do.
I posted this verse last night because it just reminds me when I want things like this to overtake me that He wants to know about it. He doesn’t want us to fret and worry. He controls the weather and Emma’s little body. Not a lot gets accomplished by me getting worried over it. And just like I want Emma to come to me when she’s hurting, He wants us to tell him when we’re worried. He cares for us and even if He won’t “fix it” like we want He’ll be with us through it.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
Amy, if Emma’s issue is not puberty, we have found Miralax very helpful for my eight year old’s constipation.
Jennifer, yep, exactly. We got off schedule on giving it to her. However, I really think there is some anxiety at school causing part of the stomach ache as it just started this past week.
Amy recently posted…Two Things
Alyson is very anxious as well. Just a change, without any negative consequences, can start the cycle. School starting. School ending. Soccer starting. She is unaware of it, but we can see the pattern.
Amy, so sorry you are worried. We all get that way from time to time as mothers and wives. (Kids and husbands gives us LOTS to worry about!)The verse you posted was a truth though that we all need to write on our hearts and live but it is so much eaiser said than done..I know! Just wanted to say about the bathroom issue..(don’t know exactly what you are going through but)my daughter had a problem like that in school around 1st grade where she was needing to go alot to the point of where the teacher wrote home a note to me about it. I asked the Dr about it and she felt it was just nerves about school and that it would pass. I told the teacher (and she was very nice and understanding)to just let her go when she felt the need to for now. I mean come on, leaning on the safe side in a matter like this is in my opinion is the wiser course because if they don’t let them go and there’s an accident…well then that kind of stuff sticks with them for sometimes the rest of their time in school and kids can be mean. Think about it… I’m sure most people can remember that kid that puked in class or had a bathroom accident to this day. I would have hated that to happen to my little girl so that’s why I told her teacher to just let her go when she needed to and it eventually passed with no more problems. So my advice is defend her, tell the teacher to let her go when needed and if it becomes a problem after that then change tatics.That’s just my advice I’m not an expert but hope it helps… and I really hope Scott dosen’t have to go…I’ll be praying for your family Amy. Keep your chin up!
Carmen, thanks for the comment. Emma actually has the opposite problem…she hasn’t gone. It’s been an on-going problem with her but it seems to be extra-bad since school started in earnest this week. I think her anxiety is flaring up and possibly causing her reflux to make it hurt worse. All I know is she cried for 2 subjects straight yesterday and she didn’t get sent home. Something is definitely going on with her. She called again this morning and I made an appointment at the doctor to check her out to make sure it’s not something more serious I’m missing.