Source: via Amy on Pinterest
Today was I felt like that mother hen, not quite getting it right but trying awful hard. Still working through Emma’s issues. Not too many details but for drama’s sake I’ll tell you I ended up in the principal’s office crying. Thank you, PMS. I’ve never been so close to homeschooling as I was today. And y’all, that is serious. Not to say it was the school’s fault. Its just my fight or flight syndrome was kicking in and wanting me to run from the problems. I think we have a game plan though from the school and I’m hoping this was just the first full week of adjustments. Cross my fingers and praying like crazy.
In other news, we passed the fire inspection for the adoption. We officially have the home study next on the list. So exciting!
In other, other news Tucker has eaten through cords of TWO of my keyboards within TWO days. I got smart today and bought a wireless keyboard. It’s really made for a laptop or travel or something because it’s small and cute and I just have to say I love it. It’s the little things, folks.
And in final news, Scott did NOT have to go to Charleston for Irene. Praying for all our other East coast friends but I have to say I’m thankful he didn’t go.
And in final, final news, tomorrow is FRIDAY!!
I grew up in a family that always had Cocker Spaniels – the prettiest, sweetest, dumbest, hard to train, house peeing, chew on EVERYTHING dogs God ever dropped on this planet. I love them, but they’re a handful for the first 2 years. I say this, because we finally figured out how to break the chewing problem with pups. I’ve had a variety of different dogs (Lab, Golden, Husky, mutt) and it’s always worked. You must have several different types of chew toys for dogs & pups. They need different textures for their teeth to soothe their gums otherwise they search your home for items that will do it (see your keyboard cords & shoes). I always have a fleece toy, hard rubber toy, soft rubber, rope, bones, & toys with knobs/bumps. For the first few days, wherever the pup is make sure he has his toys. He’ll start chewing your stuff, I promise. We’ve never had a problem with dogs chewing our things since.