Everyone was excited. No tears, no fears. Or maybe just a little from Lexi that it was going to “be boring”. In any case they were excited to wear their new duds. Emma loves her new boots and both got the high tops but only Lexi wore them today.
Emma’s hair is super curly today. We washed and put it up with some gel last night. She loves when it’s extra curly.
I cut both of their hair last night. Thankfully you can’t much tell with Emma’s but poor Lexi’s is a disaster at the edge. I’m pretty sure it’s uneven. But obviously she can’t stay still enough for anyone to even notice. We’ll definitely be making a trip to a salon in the near future.
Also, my first grader still took her blankies in the car with us. She might be getting bigger but she’s still my baby.
Now excuse me while I enjoy my celebratory comforting white mocha.