The girls and I were at the counter and through the door walked three little dark-skinned boys. Several seconds behind them followed a very light-skinned man with a baby, also light-skinned. One of the little boys toting his bookbag on his back scooted past me with a polite “Excuse me”. As the father adjusted to the light and caught sight of him, now standing in front of a few customers he yelled, “Get back here! That was very rude!” The boy humbly replied, “But, Daddy, I said excuse me.” He immediately joined who was now clearly his adoptive father. And I won’t lie. I stared. And I’m sure they’re used to it. But probably not for the same reason I stared. Today I thought about a little boy, just about his age, that could be standing in the cupcake line in a few months and he wouldn’t be part of that family. He would be our family.
I think about it. I think about him. No one has said what his skin might look like. And it really doesn’t matter. Because I’ll still be his mommy and he’ll still be anxious for cupcakes and I’ll still be worried about his manners. It’s just what families do.
I think i must be new to the adoption news, but God bless you & your family Amy. That is wonderful, exciting news!! Hope you get to meet your little boy very soon
Thanks, Ally. I haven’t blogged about it much lately, probably before you started visiting regularly. We started the process earlier this year and have been doing approvals and such. Just the home study left to do. We’re going through our local DSS.
You got me again! Completely made me tear up with the unconditional love for this little boy you’ve never met, but know that God has planned for you! I’m praying for him too.
Thank you, we do need prayers. I often think now is the time that is most traumatic for him. May God protect is mind and body!!
I think that is awesome! I want to adopt someday. I am guessing we will be a mixed race family too, although it’s hard to say what God has in store. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was watching a little black girl play at the park and I said to my husband “just think, we could have a baby like her” then I realized what I had said and I quickly added “but not this time… ha ha, I am pretty sure this one is going to be as pale as we are!” Anyway, God bless you on this journey!
Oh, wow, that is definitely something I would say
Thanks for the well wishes!
I have caught myself doing the very same thing before Kellan came along. I would see a family who obviously adopted a biracial child and I would just stare. I didn’t mean it to be rude, it was just that it seemed that I was staring at my future. Now all those years later, we were blessed with a beautiful baby boy who couldn’t fit into our family any better. To be honest, I forget he is adopted, because being adopted doesn’t matter. God only gave him to us for a short time to raise. So besides being a little darker skinned (and looking like he is his older cousin’s twin) he is a W all the way!! We are so excited for y’all, we see how much love you and your family show our little boy and I have no doubt you will show yours even more love. Love y’all!!
Thank you so much for your support! Love you guys!!