Apologies, but no Polyvore weekend recap this week. You’re going to have to read an old-school blog post which to be honest is usually my favorite type of post from my favorite bloggers. At this moment, I’m really hoping you feel the same.
Scott worked this weekend, the weather was absolutely amazing and I was in a shopping mood. We got out Saturday and used a Groupon at a lighting place to score two amazing lamps at buy 1 get 1 free. I couldn’t have gotten a better deal at that place. Friday I had ordered the mirrored nightstands I had been drooling over but they won’t be in for 4-6 weeks. Which bites but I figure I will love it all the more and in the meantime, I’m enjoying the lamps.
While we were out we ran into Dani (what are the chances?!) and I was just too excited since I had been thinking we were due for some girl time. We ate lunch, where at one point Emma asked us, “Why are you guys talking so much??”. We headed out to Nordstrom Rack together where I got 2 cute shirts and the girls got some super cute rain boots. We had to part ways with Dani who had some errands to run so Heather met up with me and the girls and we headed to IKEA to use our free $25 coupon. I’d like to say I bought something fun but I just stocked up on the napkins we use and a few extra cereal bowls for my cereal monsters.
Saturday evening I determined we would stay in so we had sandwiches and made s’mores at the fire pit out back.
Sunday afternoon we had my niece after church and I still hadn’t gotten my shopping out so we went to check out the new Goodwill near us. The girls all got an outfit, I got 4 shirts and a book and we only spent $30. I mean, really? It was like an organized yard sale! I decided to drop in on a thrift store I’ve been meaning to check out but stopped at the gas station and got the kids a snack. I usually don’t let them do this but I let them each get some juice and a snack. When we climbed in the car Emma says, “I feel like we’re on a trip to Maryland.” And that is where I want to push the pause button.
My family is from the north but we moved South when I was 3. I’ve spent my entire life since then on an 8 hour road trip back and forth at least twice a year, sometimes more, to visit all of our extended family. Something that is engrained in me is getting out of car, feeling fresh cool air and buying a drink and snack at a gas station. There was something comforting about Emma knowing that feeling. I wanted to pull out of the gas station and head north on the Interstate. I wanted to stop at a Sheetz and eat a steak sub and drive through some winding mountain roads. OK, maybe not the roads. I get carsick these days. But still, I got a little homesick this weekend. So any family reading, know that I’m thinking about you and miss you guys!
For the record, the thrift store we went to was a complete bust. I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning the girls’ bedroom while they all played out back. Seriously, it was like a bomb had gone off. While I love the girls’ love of books, it was ridiculous how many stacks of books where everywhere. They’ve decided that playing school is a great activity after school and that requires lots of school books, pens, pencils, markers, book bags and of course stuffed animals as their students. I also rescued AT LEAST 8 cups and probably a load of laundry from the floor. I guess I had gotten accustomed to the mess and didn’t realize how bad it had gotten.
I wrapped up the weekend by cooking some French Breakfast Puffs to bring to work and watching Friday Night Lights rack up two Emmy’s. Woot!
So we’re on to a new week. This Friday is the Women of Faith Conference in Charlotte courtesy of BookSneeze. Let me know if you’re going to be there! I’m excited to see Natalie Grant, Karen Kingsbury and Laura Story, the singer of the popular song “Blessings”.
I didn’t know Laura Story was going to be at WOF this weekend! Very cool! Your weekend sounded just as busy as mine! By the way I really enjoy the written out recaps! I like the picture round-up ones but I’m a “words” girl!
I saw that bit about Laura somewhere and now I can’t find it. I hope it’s still true!
heyyy I wanna go Friday…how can I go?
Tickets are $99. Dani is using my other free one. She can’t go on Saturday morning so if you wanted to catch a session or two you could come with her ticket I think and then trade off.
LOVE the lamps and the new pic of you in the Sidebar. You look so pretty & ready for Fall!
“It was like an organized yard sale!” Best description of Goodwill ever. Not only that, but the people are always so friendly there.
I was so psyched to see Kyle Chandler win an Emmy. He’s a UGA grad like me!
But, and you’re gonna shriek when you read this, I’ve never seen a single episode of FNL before. And I’m about the biggest girl football fan you’ll ever meet. Everybody tells me I’m missing out on the best show ever. I need to get the dvds pronto.
Officially freaking out. WHAT?! You have to watch FNL STAT!! I don’t even watch football and I love it.