Remember that honey-do list I mentioned? Well, next on the list was the pool cover stand. Just 2 4x4s and a metal bar could have done the trick so we could roll the cover off the pool onto it for storage instead of dragging it off. But Scott says, “Why don’t I take our swing set down and use the 4x4s from that for the pool stand and build a whole new swing set?” Well, um, ok, honey, but you could just go buy 2 new 4x4s. Look, I’m not complaining that he wants to build the kids a new swing set and honestly the steps were in bad repair but it seems a little much to do the WHOLE thing.
But, guess what I came home to today? Wait. Here’s the before of our swing set. It’s a 3 year old picture of Scott’s mom pushing them but you get the drift. Simple, standard swings and slide. PS Lexi’s hair was oh so long and cute and her wegs are so teeny tiny. Lexi! You’re distracting mommy!
Well, here’s the ginormous swing set I found in my back yard this evening:
Apparently he realized a little too late he got 10’ 4×4” boards instead of 8’ boards. Just a wee bit different. I have to give him props for getting all this up in one day and the kids are ecstatic. But dear mercy, I just hope I get my pool stand out of this.
Our new grandson is going to love this!!!
I thought about that too. Scott is thinking of putting a separate deck on the bottom so there is another level. I’m guessing the boys and girls might want separate areas
I’m thinking this is made for the jolly green giant lol