(we got new lights above the sink. love.)
Well, this was the weekend I was supposed to spend at Women of Faith but didn’t. I’d like to say there was a light bulb moment to why that was but there wasn’t. But that’s not to say there weren’t many small moments that made me glad to be home. Friday, when no one showed up at the office, I got to spend the afternoon working from home and be there when the girls got home. And I was home through Friday evening so I could drop the kids off at Scott’s mom’s and go out to eat with a great couple. Saturday morning I got to put in some volunteer time and then was available when the girls wanted to come home at 10am, much earlier than they normally do. I did a lot of laundry and I really did clean out my pantry too. There may have been a bigger reason for me not to go but I loved all the little ones. I was home, my favorite place, with my favorite people who wanted to be there too.
I got so caught up Saturday that I even had time to start priming the girls’ bathroom. I finished that up last night and now I’m having anxiety about what to repaint it. I had planned purple this whole time but we had repainted the cabinet black when we had it red. Now, a light purple just isn’t going to look right. *sigh* I think I’m going to have to repaint the cabinet as much as I don’t want to.
Sunday we watched a friend’s son. A boy, just a few years older then my girls. A boy, who my girls think hung the moon. It’s a good thing I got some quality time with them on Saturday because they barely knew I existed yesterday. After church and lunch, they had him busy playing house and school and even wrote a script for them to perform. They jumped on the trampoline and played games and watched TV. The barely visible bedroom floor proved all the fun.
And with that, we are on to a new week. I hope you had a great weekend and started your week well!
Your kitchen looks so pretty, Amy. I love the new pendulum lights and really love that you took the tile backsplash all the way up. Looks great!
Sounds like your girls are ready for a little brother
Thank you! I’m loving the lights too!
And yes, I think they would do well with a new brother
Agree the lights are fab! and why would the black cabinet not look good with lavender? I think it could be very chic…