It’s been almost two weeks that I’ve been going to bed early and getting up early. I know, two weeks isn’t long enough to consider anything a habit, unless your talking about buying Lattes every day and then I’d bet you’d call it a habit. In any case, I’ve found that I quite like it. Here’s why:
- Scott and I go to bed at the same time. Since he has to get up at 4am when he’s on day shift, he’s in bed by 8. I usually was never in bed until at least 10 and sometimes 12. I’ve enjoyed the whole house shutting down at one time. It’s weird, but it feels like that “lights out” moment at camp when you knew you were all in it together.
- I wasn’t getting a whole lot done at night anyway. My brain power by 8pm was not worth much so I’d find I was just circling between Facebook, Twitter and email. Sometimes I’d get a blog post in but only when I was lucky.
- I start to think about the next day a lot earlier in the evening. This is good because at 7:30 I still have energy to plan for the next day. I find even though I’m up early the next day, I’m getting more things ready for the next day the night before.
- I get up easier when it’s earlier. I have no idea how that happens but it’s easier for me to get up at 5:45 when I’ve gone to bed at 9 then it is to get up at 6:45 when I went to bed at 10. It shouldn’t be so as it’s the same amount of time but I have just found I am entirely too groggy the later I wake up, no matter how much sleep I’ve had. In fact, Friday night Scott and I were asleep by 9:30 or so and slept in until almost 9 and it was harder to get myself out of bed that morning.
- I like starting my day before everyone else. I feel like I have a head start to my day and get my day started with the right attitude versus the kids up and me feeling like a failure for not being able to be up with the kids.
- I get more done in the morning. I’m a lot more alert in the morning so I’m actually productive. With less time, I get more done.
- We’re not rushed to get off to school. This morning, we were all literally sitting around the living room waiting for the time to leave. This has *never* happened before.
- I like that the kids will remember that I’m up, ready and alert. I normally did have to wake them up for school anyway but I was in my pjs, hair a mess and barely alert. It worked, but I just feel better being completely dressed and ready. I have a better tone to my voice and attitude.
- I’m not worried all day about all the things I need to do. Yes, some things have to wait but I like that I can get things started before work. That load of laundry that needs switched or that blog post that needs written (this one!) can all get done without me worrying about it.
- I’m saving money! Now this one sounds funny but seriously, we are. Since I’m up earlier I have time to make my own coffee and get my snack and lunch ready for work when I go. Before, I was just rushing out the door and buying stuff at work. I still treat myself to Starbucks one work morning a week but I’m not buying the regular coffee at work every single time.
Wow, I didn’t think I’d ever be such a proponent as an early-riser but I think I’m in! The only downside I can think of is when you CAN’T get to bed early and it’s super hard to get up early the next morning. The good news is, it’s even easier to go to sleep early the next night and get back on track.
So how do you do this? I started out by going to bed super early one night when I was exhausted but then got up early the next day instead of sleeping in. Somehow, it’s stuck since then!
So tell me, are you an early riser or night owl??
Make sure to check out more Top Ten Tuesday posts over at
Love this! My half hour in the morning while everyone else is sleeping is my favorite time of day…I have my coffee, my daily devotional, and then get signed on for work before anyone is up! Definitely sets the tone for the rest of the day
Yes, I think that’s my favorite part about it, Shelley. It just *feels right* the rest of the day!
Love your post; reminds me of all of the reasons TO get up earlier. I have been waiting until the last minute (i.e. after my husband showers) to get up…while, if I got up earlier I could have some alone, or quiet time. I am starting a healthier lifestyle today. Maybe this will be a good way to help me out.
I’m an early riser. I get up about 30 minutes before anyone else. But I love #8 because that’s part of why i do it. I like to be ready to go (minus a few last minute things like brushing my teeth) when I get the girls out of bed. I also love the way the morning feels/smells/looks. It makes me happy!
I’ve always loved the sunrise, just never enough on its own to get up for it
Um convicted anyone? Amy this is such a sensitive subject for me right now! My boyfriend loooves to go to bed around 11-12 at night. No we do not live together or have any children to get up however he loves to talk on the phone till then and date nights go that late. Ahhh Getting up early is one of the most precious things for me! It reminds me of my father and his ability to be happy and alert at 5am. It never fails when I actually go to bed before 10 and get up at 6, my whole day seems different. If I do that I also seem to stay consistent with devotionals! And what a difference that can make in itself. One day I am determined to be a consistent early riser!
Niki, don’t feel bad. There are seasons where late nights/late mornings are great. Enjoy them while you can!
the number one reason for us is NOT having to rush in the morning. We had time today to make a paper chain of gratitude and read a book out loud. Incredible gift to give them as they leave for the day…the gift of PEACE!
I love that idea!
I’m an early riser and I love it! I don’t feel so rushed to get out the door and I can take my time doing things in the morning.
Wow, I think you just sold me. Reading #2 hit home for me first. I really do little of value after 9pm. Getting to bed earlier means I won’t rush around in the morning, I can feed my husband & I a better breakfast, and he won’t have to prod me to sit down longer for our devotion time. I think God deserves that from me, to say the least.
If you try it out, let me know what you think! It’s definitely a discipline but I think it pays off!
I’m a total night owl (really bad). I have always thought I got so much done in that time when everyone was asleep, but have noticed lately that I’m not really all that productive in that time. I’ve been trying to work on getting up earlier. Not early, but just earlier than normal. I’m going to try to work on my sleep habits, but they are pretty hardwired into me.
So weird that you wrote this – I went through a phase a couple of months ago in which I was randomly waking up earlier every morning. In turn, I was tired earlier and going to bed earlier at night. It wasn’t planned but I went with it and I loved it. I’ve been slowly slipping out of it the past couple of weeks but your post has re-inspired me – I’ll do it on purpose this time! I love having time to cook breakfast and straighten up any items to have a clean house to start the work day – I do this each morning anyway, but the earlier I get up the less I feel torn about getting the house clean and also feeling the need to be sitting at my desk working. Also, weird that you wrote this in a form of Top 10 because my blog tomorrow is a list of 10 things and I wrote it before I read this. Great minds!
So interesting you mentioned it being a phase. I fully expect this to be a phase although I’ll always recognize the benefits.
Sistah, you’re singing my song! I have long been an early riser, even moreso since my kids became toddlers. There is no me time in the evenings at all, so if I want to do anything at all I have to do it when the rest of the house is asleep. Mornings are perfect for this.
I get up at 4:30am and get a full 2 hours alone before I have to go get ready for work. Beau and I generally get to bed, usually together, by 8:30pm with lights out no later than 9pm. It works.
Welcome to the club!
Holy cow. 4:30? 5 is the earliest I was hoping to ever get up. I can’t live on 7.5 hours of sleep. 9 hours has always been my magic number. I can live off as little as 5-6 but not consecutively. Kudos to you though, I would love to do that.
Great list! I am so inspired . . . it’s to bed early and up earlier for me tomorrow morning! THanks for the practical encouragement. I agree that late at night I just end up wasting time b/c I’m too tired to really think, anyway.
Great thoughts here! I prefer to be an early riser, though sometimes that’s hard to do! I love morning more (I’m a very light-affected person), and I totally agree with you about not getting much done too late in the night and feeling more alert in the morning, as well.
Yes, Caroline, I love the light too!
I need to get more into this, as I am writing this comment shortly before midnight!
It is just so hard to get up early for me, even when I go to bed at a decent time!
I think when you see the benefits, it makes it a little easier over time. But whatever works for you! I’ve been a night owl for most of my motherhood
Amy I LOVE this! I have always loved morning time best, but over the past year we’ve really gotten into the bad habit of trying to get things done late at night, and well into the night I might add. We wake up very groggy and disoriented trying to run around and get Isaac off to school and get ourselves together. Often I am still in bed when I need to be up! I hate this habit and feeling. Thanks for the post and reminders of the value of this kind of schedule.