Returning books to the library. It makes me happy. Except the $7 in fees.
I feel like I need a big catch up post. Nothing earth-shattering but I feel like a few updates are in order:
1 – We finally got a letter from DSS last week stating a worker had been assigned to our home study and would be contacting us about setting it up. It’s been about a week though and nothing. I had hoped we’d be approved by November but it’s looking like maybe the first of the year now. I’m not in a hurry though, I know this will all happen at the right time.
2 – The body shop called mid-post and said the van is ready! Woot! Our van is supposed to be done tomorrow! Once the body shop sent it to a mechanic to get the electrical stuff up, a pump went out that had to be replaced and then the electrical stuff wouldn’t come on so they sent it to Honda where they found a fuse out and another sensor. It’s all supposed to be fixed by tomorrow. We shall see. I do so miss my van terribly. The gas mileage and parking power of a little car is nice but, well, it’s not my van. I am shocked though that they have not totaled the van. My guesstimate is they have now spent at least $7,000! I’m so grateful though. If I’m going to have a used van, I want it to be mine with a lot of brand new parts!
3 – I started FINALLY going through the Fruits of the Spirit activities from with the girls this week. They are completely soaking it up. Last night though almost felt like a complete disaster and I nearly wanted to give in (only 3 days in!) but I ran into a verse in Galatians today and I’m certain I need some FORBEARANCE to continue the GOOD work in my children.
4 – Melissa is doing the final edit of my eBook. I think I have a release date picked and I’m going to be sharing more very soon (maybe the cover next week??). Let me just say again how awesome my friends are and I love they are pushing me to make this the best possible.
5 – These next two months are going to kick my butt. I have a HUGE project at work that will require near 24-7 attention for a few weeks. Add in the girls’ birthday parties, Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping and I ALREADY feel pooped.
I think 5 is enough! I hope your week is going well!
That’s great news about the DSS Caseworker. Things can move slowly when Government agencies are involved, but you seem to have the best attitude. God works in His perfect timing and before you know it you’ll have a new Bennett blessing! So happy you’re getting your van back with new parts – that’s a pretty great deal. And I can’t wait for your Ebook! Wow, lots of fantastic things are happening for the Bennett family right now!