OK, so I’ve had a few small changes around the house. Nothing outstanding but they make me happy and I’m all about sharing the happy.
The mirror
First up, my mom found this mirror from Celebrating Home.
The mirror is a perfect fit with our new curtains and I love that it brings some green into the room. The plan is to find a dresser of some sort to go under it but clearly this decorating the bedroom thing is going to be a drawn-out process.
The Rug
I peeked in HomeGoods the other day after I hit up Old Navy and no lie, I saw this rug for my bathroom and was taking off to the check-out counter in no less than 25 seconds. If you know me and my indecisive nature, you know that’s a flat out miracle.
The Debunking
And finally, the other weekend Scott and I were bored and I said, “I feel like rearranging some furniture.” Well, that started 24 hours of drama with the girls’ room. Lexi wanted to keep it and Emma wanted them separate. I actually like the look of the bunk beds but they were serving absolutely no purpose. Neither girl wanted to sleep on top and it was clearly being used as storage.
After a trial night, both girls decided they really like having separate beds. Can you believe they happily spent 9 months sharing a twin bed?
Jaynee says
I used to do that in our house in NJ a lot – we rearranged our living room at least once a year – if not more. The room was such a weird room that no configuration felt right. It was weird because every wall had something on it, so there was no convenient furniture placement. One had the fireplace, one had a bay window and fron door, one had the stair entrance and another had the dining room entryway. VERY awkward room. I’m sure Denis rolled his eyes everytime I said, “we need to change this room!”
Amy says
Our living room is a lot like that now but since we have the big screen attached to the wall now it’s impossible to convince Scott to move it and I really do like it. But I still get that itch for something new and rearranging is a great way to get a new look without spending a dime.
Carolyn says
That mirror is so you! The colours and shape are exactly what I would choose for you. It looks perfect in your room. 🙂
I love that the Girls shared a twin bed for 9 months…that is some sisterly love right there! Their room looks so cozy with the bedding and American Girls.
Amy says
Thank you! They really do love their room. They’ve been spending way more time in there since the switch.
Ally Garner says
That rug for your master bath is beautiful – what a great find! Your girls are so sweet. They’re so lucky to have each other as best friends. I just love their spunky green room!