Source: via Jennifer on Pinterest
We all have negative thoughts. Many of them are untrue and lead to fear, anxiety, self-doubt, discouragement, even jealousy.
Perhaps you’ve looked in the mirror and said, “Look at that – you’ve gotten so fat. You’re so lazy. And unhealthy. Really, you’re just not worth much at all.”
Or, you hear a sound at night and figure that it must be someone in the house. How far down the hall are they? What kind of weapon do they have? Which door should I run for and what neighbor should I go to? How will I get the kids out? By then, fear has taken over, your heart is racing, you’re sweating and trying to figure out how to dial 911.
Or perhaps your friend says something and it makes you think, “I don’t think she likes me. I bet she doesn’t even want to be with me right now. I am just so stupid. Why do I have friends at all?”
I would like to say all of these are exaggerated examples but they’re not. I’ve had versions of all of them. But they’re not the truth and we shouldn’t dwell on lies. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
We have to take our thoughts captive before they spiral us into fear, anxiety, self-doubt, discouragement, or jealousy. If we are able to capture them at the start, we don’t have to go down these paths.
I recently learned a practical way to take these thoughts captive that I’d like to share. Think about your mind like a computer. Imagine that your thoughts are like surfing the Internet. Sometimes when we are browsing, we come upon a site with pop-ups. Do we ever look at these pop-ups? No. We simply ignore them or close them. We know they are garbage and they’re not worth our time to investigate. In fact, some of us go to extensive measures to make sure these pop-ups don’t show up in the first place.
That’s what we have to do with our negative thoughts. We don’t have to look at them, examine them, read them, click on them. Don’t follow these paths that lead to destructive lies. When a negative thought comes in our mind, we simply close that thought and move to something else. As an alternative, speak the truth if it’s an outright lie or find the good in the situation, even if there is bad. Listen, I know there is enough bad in the world to think all day on it, but we don’t have to. We can choose to think on the good parts.
Philippians 4:8 says
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
If the thought that comes up isn’t true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy, close it!
Becky says
I love this! I deal with this daily. Recently I’ve been more aware of it and started to really think positively about things. I’ve also been trying to memorize more scripture that I can use to combat the negative thoughts. I love Philippians 4:8! Great stuff here!
Amy says
Yes, Scripture is definitely our best weapon!
Erin says
I needed this today. Thanks for your insight Amy.
Amy says
You’re very welcome, Erin. You are such a sweetie and so glad it helped. Think good things 🙂
Ally Garner says
I’ve never shared this publicly but my biggest struggle, a daily battle is the vile, hateful, relentless, unforgiving tape recorder that lives in my head. Words can’t adequately explain just how hard this has been for me to get under control. I’ve prayed for years, read books, memorized scripture, carried positive notecards, etc. You name it, I’ve tried it. I also know & believe that God does not approve of my negative thinking, and He has a solution for me. I’m willing to try anything and this post is speaking to me today. Thank you for sharing Amy – I truly appreciate it.
Amy says
Ally, your comment gave me chills. Please believe you are AWESOME. I love having you in my life and always so happy to see your name pop up, whether it be on here, Pinterest, Twitter, wherever. We haven’t met but I still consider you a friend! I will be praying about this with you.
Ally Garner says
That just made me cry. Thank you. Thank you so much for caring. The feeling is quite mutual, I assure you 😉 I’m beyond grateful that you’re willing to pray for me!
Amy says
Heather W. says
oooooh that’s so weird, that’s our verse for our 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting!!! 2 Corinthians 10:5
Tricia O. says
Amy, I love this idea! No more pop ups! Thanks so much for sharing!