I would tell you about my weekend in succession but I’m afraid it would be dreadfully boring to read. Scott worked nights all weekend so that means we basically stayed in all weekend other than a few trips to the grocery store, a quick drive-by of the library to return books (before the due date, even), church and Sunday dinner. I didn’t even make my weekly trip out to CVS. At home, the highlight was reorganizing the tupperware. I only needed to do one load of laundry. I never painted the hallway that desperately needs it. We just didn’t do much at all.
And yet.
I layed around the girls’ room while Emma gave me fake tests. I scored a 100 on my spelling test. I wrote an entire essay on an article she made me read. Seriously. Three paragraphs. I turned it in and she didn’t even read it. Hmph! We ate all our meals together. I made all their snacks. We watched part of the Super Bowl together until they got bored. They watched the same movie at least twice. They danced with the music on loud. They played with their cousin. I introduced them to Little House on the Prairie. I referreed arguments. I pushed them on the swings.
It was nothing and everything.
A perfect weekend.
Refereed arguments, haha! Jeff & I worked with the 1st graders Sunday during worship (we call it extended stay). Holy cow, that’s all we did – referee between arguing factions of boys & girls. I called my Mom immediately after and apologized for the umpteen fights my brother & I put her through as kids. I don’t know how you Moms do it without going through a bottle of Excedrin every week.
Haha, there are many moments in parenting like that! God bless you for helping with the classes! I was scared of kids before having them. Well, I did enjoy my 3rd and 4th grade AWANA girls for several years.
sometimes “not much” weekends are the best kind!
Sounds like a perfect weekend. Matthew and Leila were on a retreat with their Youth Groups and Raouf was at work so I had a lot of (in fact, almost too much) quiet time to myself. I got lots of laundry and organising done but found that the allure of having control of the remote does not last long. Half the fun of “Say Yes to the Dress” or “Four Weddings” is hearing the kids’ opinions. I always think I want time to be alone until I am actually alone. It’s then that I realise I’d much rather hear the drums, guitars and bickering.
Well, I do enjoy some time alone but I find that mommy guilt takes over pretty fast. I don’t have much time with them and don’t want to waste it. Then again, I think it’s good for us to be away to recharge. Probably the only way we can handle the other! Wish you were closer so we could meet up on our slow weekends!