I have to tell you about this thing I’ve dubbed The Magic Machine.
Two days ago my friend Dani and I were talking on the phone. Yes, the phone! She briefly mentioned that her girls were now waking up on their own to the alarm and getting dressed all on their own. Well, as you can imagine, we raced right over to the WalMarts Wednesday night and bought, not 1, but 2 alarms. The alarms were cute little $5 alarms that resembled a cell phone so of course each of the girls wanted their own. Fair enough. Scott and I have our own alarms.
So Wednesday night they were really into setting the time just right and wanted to get up 15 minutes earlier than I normally wake them, even on an early day. I was pretty skeptical. Are they really going to get up? And even if they do aren’t they just going to race to the computer and play?
Thursday morning rolled around and my alarm is set to 15 minutes before theirs. I half-sleep after I hit the snooze button and wait and listen for their alarm to go off. Seven minutes after theirs was set to go off, I walk in their room and Lexi pops up and says, “I’M UP!” Emma rolls over and says I was too tired to get up. We were still 7 minutes out from when I normally would wake them up so I just went back to bed. As I got back in bed, I saw their bedroom light turn on and then heard the chatter start. Then I heard their drawers. They were going to get dressed! So I just laid there listening to see what they would do. Out to the kitchen they went. I thought they might get themselves something to eat. I gave them a few more minutes but it was time to get serious about getting ready. I went out and they had packed their lunch. Their lunch! They also informed me they had not only gotten dressed but brushed their teeth and their hair. They even had shoes on! They pushed me back to bed. Like literally pushed me out of the kitchen telling me they wanted to do it by themselves. I disappeared for a few more minutes, came back out to start the car and then just had to give their hair some touch up and help them find their coats.
I was so excited about this yesterday I was going to tell you but then I thought, no, that’s just a fluke and when tomorrow rolls around and they don’t do this then it’s just silly I blogged about it.
But then they did it again today. All of it. Got dressed, got breakfast (a banana and grapes!), brushed each other’s hair, and packed their lunch.
The Magic Machine, indeed.
Pure awesomeness, I tell you! Maybe you should run back to walmarts and get them an eskimopie to reward them (and yourself)
LOL!!! And you and your girls all get one for doing it first!!
cannot wait for this day
I have to say after 9 years of doing it for them I’m ok with them taking a turn a few times.
My guys have worn uniforms for their entire school careers so getting ready really should not be a headache but it is. I have a teenager who never want to get out of bed no matter how many times his alarm has gone off and a tween who takes forever choosing accessories since she has no choice of clothes. I miss the days when they would get up and be ready before me.
In that case, I’m REALLY going to enjoy it right now!
Awesome! I remember baffling my Mom like this when she finally got me an alarm in middle school. I bet it makes you feel incredible to see your girls take on responsibility & exceed expectations. Well done Mom!
That is great!!!!I know some adults that could take lessons from them. Good job girls. This is fantastic, but don’t set that alarm clock at my house Saturday morning please!!!
My kids have an alarm clock, but I guess we need to try setting it haha
My daughter asked for an alarm and has gotten up by herself always, with our without it. ALWAYS. It’s not as great as you might imagine – because I am not a morning person! I still need a mom to wake me up!!!
She is so my husband. Kids that you have to wake up sound like a dream to me.
The bad thing is they don’t wake up on their own on school days but weekends? They’re up at 6am with no alarm. Drives me crazy. If they were a little easier to wake up I wouldn’t mind so much but I’m having to coerce them out of bed every 2 minutes.