Source: via Amy on Pinterest
Feels like a list day today.
- Our adoption home study got turned in this week. Yay! Now we wait for a review and approvals.
- In full disclosure I feel like I should tell you the alarm clock thing lost it’s magic. The girls have spent the last two mornings sleeping until I get them up. Now, they are getting up and getting dressed but no more helping with lunch and breakfast without us asking. Phooey.
- And in full, full disclosure, I haven’t been doing the early morning thing that I was back at the end of the year. A big reason I was getting up early was to get done with my eBook and also because I was working at the office a lot more. Now that I’m home and can do things more on my lunch break and don’t have any extra projects going on, I’ve reverted back to late to bed, late to rise. Also some Big Bang Theory DVDs might have something to do with that. I really do miss it though. I wish I could at least get myself up and get fully ready so I could run a few errands after I drop the girls off.
- I have been eating healthy since this post. Not quite as strict as the Daniel Fast but it reminds me quite a bit of it. I feel so much better, stay full most of the day and have lost a few pounds to boot. It’s odd, when I eat and feel full I have a temptation to feel guilty but I remind myself I’m eating healthy vegetables and fruit and it makes it even easier to make a good choice the next time. HOWEVER. Girl Scout Cookies are getting delivered to me today so we’ll see if I don’t have to do another update on this update soon.
- In that vein, I’ve been swirling with plans to make a vegetable garden this year. I can’t keep the small flower in my kitchen alive (or any other plant that has ever come into my house) but for some reason I think it’s a good idea to have an entire garden of plants that we’re required to eat. We’ll see how that goes.
- We have big plans this weekend. We have to travel out of town for a doctor visit (nothing to worry over) and we’re taking the girls to the American Girl store while we’re nearby. It’s going to be a whirlwind visit but hopefully some good memories.
And finally, I’ve gotten a few messages lately from readers that have really been touching. But all I really want to do is just fall at their feet and thank them profusely for even reading in the first place. For whatever reason, God keeps letting me write for you and I’m so thankful because I love coming here and sharing. So I need to say THANK YOU for reading.
“Feels like a list day today”. You’re too funny! Did you write them down first and then cross them off after they were typed?
So excited that the adoption process is moving forward. I know God has been your little boy safe until it is time to put him in your care.
I’m sure the American Girl store will be a thrill for the Girls. Can’t wait to see their reaction.
Love coming here and reading what’s on your mind. It’s amazing how often it hits home. <3
Doesn’t everyday feel like a list? haha
Love you, Carolyn, thanks for reading!!
Congrats on the home study finally getting turned in, will keep praying for you all. I know that it took longer than usual, an I also know that it was in His plans. Safe travels this weekend.
PS, don’t fall at anyone’s feet, unless you are taking your laptop with you to blog about it