I know we’re only 3 days into this gluten/milk free thing. Perhaps I should rewrite this post in 3 or 4 weeks but I have to be honest and say so far it just hasn’t been that big of a deal. Let me show you through Emma’s meals yesterday since she has the most restricted diet of the four of us:
Breakfast: Emma ate bacon, two gluten free (GF) waffles, and chocolate almond milk. On a day off school like yesterday, I normally make her pancakes, bacon and make chocolate milk. It was super easy (albeit more expensive) to substitute with a waffle. I also bought GF pancake mix I could have used but it’s easier to pop a waffle in a toaster.
Morning snack: Apple. No different than any other day. So thankful for a teacher at school that really pushes healthy snacks.
Lunch: I fixed her a PB&J on GF bread and she ate strawberries, grapes and carrots. Again, just the bread substitution.
Afternoon snack: She had a GF cookie at one point and then I fixed deviled eggs with non dairy mayonnaise. I don’t normally have cookies in the house so the cookie was an extra treat. Normally, she would have probably eaten a piece of her Valentine’s Day candy but we all love the GF cookies from Earth Fare so she didn’t even miss it. As for the deviled eggs, she couldn’t even tell I used a different mayonnaise.
Dinner: I made spaghetti with rice noodles. She ate them like a champ. She did balk a little at not being able to use Parmesan Cheese but it wasn’t a deal breaker.
Evening snack: I think she might have eaten one more GF cookie.
So yes, lots of substutions but nothing overwhelming or yucky or any drama. Her tummy hurt a few times but that isn’t to say her body wasn’t reacting to the change to the new GF flours. GF bread, waffles, noodles, cookies and almond milk certainly aren’t the cheapest things ever. BUT. It’s not hard. Just different. And I found a great deal site for gluten free products that I definitely plan on visiting regularly.
And, finally, drumroll….we can definitely tell a difference in her uh, movements, since just Sunday. Yayyyy!! Can you believe within 48 hours we’re seeing a change?
Going GF should be easier since there are so many more companies making things.
If you’re looking for good bread, this spelt bread is the best. It tastes good, toasts well, and I liked it a lot when I was cutting back on wheat.
That particular link is for 20 loaves. But I just wanted to show you the brand. Maybe you can find it in a store, although I’m not sure if they distribute that far south yet. I was getting it when I lived in New Hampshire.
I’m glad to hear it is helping her. Having a food intolerance is so hard at times.
The doctor listed grains we could have and spelt wasn’t one so I looked it up and it’s saying spelt has gluten :(.
And by the way, I’m finding the milk allergy way worse to deal with than gluten. I really feel for your husband. Would love to see what Dr. Linial could do for him.
You learn how to substitute. Once you start thinking about it all the time, it becomes second nature.
Sorry, not 20 loaves. 6 loaves.
Amy, I am certainly interested in hearing more about this. It is something that I feel God starting to talk to me about…food and stuff, that may help with all of my stuff. Can we make time to talk please?
Most certainly. I’m no expert but would love to share our experiences.
Yay for it going so well! When my daughter had to go dairy-free after 10 years, it really wasn’t that big of a change for her except that she was a cheese-a-holic. And within days we’d also seen big improvements in her “movements” and her other symptoms disappeared (until she decided to sneak some cheese).
Keep up the good work!
Yes! Cheese! We miss cheese a lot. Thankfully I didn’t test allergic to it so I have it when she’s not around
I have been changing to gluten free for a little while because of gluten intolerance and now am changing to completely gluten free and using only whole foods. I completely emptied my kitchen and started over. I am only using organics too. Gluten free is the easiest between that and dairy free. Stores and companies are on the gluten band wagon so many products out there but using veggies, fruits, grass fed meats are the best idea over more processed gluten free items! Bread products are the hardest because of taste and heaviness. Haven’t found a great bread yet but UDI has great cinn raisin bagels, bread that is great toasted, and other items. And my 10 yr old dd says the choc muffins are to die for! Best so far. I am finding making my own bread with different flours tastes best and that goes for pizza crust too. Pasta is another issues…tinkadi is okay, best so far and now have 4 diff kinds in cupboard to try cuz son loves pasta. We are also trying quinoa too, nice subsitute! I have a great friend at somegirlswebsite dot com who took their family completely gluten,dairy,and soy free and they are doing really great. She has fibro like me and it has changed her pain dramatically. I can’t remember the issue with her son but it has helped him tremendously too. There are so many websites that are great and if you need some I can sure send you some links. Also, check out pinterest. I have some gf recipes and she has gf, df, and soyfree. One thing that has helped me a lot with the kids in this change is a great blender for smoothies and you can make your own almond milk which taste great too. I have been praying for you and your daughter and family during this transition. It will get easier!
Karen, NAET is well known for helping fibro patients. I would LOVE to see what Dr. Linial or someone similar could do for you.
I often see your recipes on Pinterest so I appreciate you pinning those. Please feel free to email me any great bread/pizza crust recipes. amyjbennett AT gmail dot com. Thank you, Karen!